Photoshop help

December 22nd, 2011
I'd like to lighten the cross (specifically the top portion) in this photo without compromising the background, but can't seem to find the right method to do so. (I have Photoshop Elements 10.) Can anyone give me pointers on how to do this?

December 22nd, 2011
I'm not too familiar with Elements. I have Photoshop CS. Does Elements allow you to work with layers?
December 22nd, 2011
@dejongdd I don't have Elements either, but I have a crazy old version of Photoshop that I use at home, and last night I was doing some teeth whitening for a portrait shoot in it by using the Clone stamp, and very lightly going over the area I wanted with a clone of some white in her shirt. Maybe you could do something like that here with the lighter area of the cross?

I'm quite sure theres a fancier way to do it, though. I don't know Elements even a little.
December 22nd, 2011
Yes, elements has layers. I was going to try to explain, but I really just use a masking layer and play around, so I can't really explain. I hope someone can help you! The thing that comes to mind is copy layer (command +J on mac) Make that layer as light as you want it the cross to be, add masking layer to that, use paint brush to brush off the background. Does that make any sense?
December 22nd, 2011
what I would do is start off by copying the image then lighten the image either by increasing brightness, exposure or by using curves I would then paste the copied layer as a new layer and create a new mask layer then taking a black brush set to the dimensions of the cross on the mask layer outline the cross (if you dont know how to get the lines straight you can do so by clicking the brush where you want the line to start,holding down the shift key and clicking the brush where you want it to end.) if you go slightly over there is no need to panic just change the black brush to white and go over the bit that you dont want :) Hope that helps
December 22nd, 2011
@asrai Unfortunately, there isn't curves on PSE in the same way was Photoshop. There is a way to get to it, but it's pretty backwards. Maybe I'm wrong?
December 22nd, 2011
What about using the quick selection brush and outlining the cross. Then use a layers adjustment and adjust just the cross. If you need more on the top, maybe use the dodge tool.
Hopefully, someone with more experience than me will give you another idea or better directions!
December 22nd, 2011
@jasonbarnette Yes it does.
December 22nd, 2011
I would try is a gradient. Duplicate the layer (control+j)
Then select the gradient tool. (in my photoshop it's next to the paint bucket tool)
At the top there will be a pull down menu. You can select one of those or create your own. For your image I would start with a lavender purple for the left side of the gradient, then maybe a pink color for the middle, then a clear/ no color for the right side. That's up to you, tho. It's fun to play around!
Now that you've got the colors you want to use, click and hold the gradient tool at the top of the image, and drag it down to the bottom. (you could hold the shift key to keep it straight)
Now change your blending mode to color. (blending modes is found in the layers panel, the drop down menu)
From there you can turn down the opacity to your liking.
I hope this helps.
December 22nd, 2011
@nicolekos there are basic curve options in pse 10 they can be found under Enhance>Adjust Color>Adjust color curves
December 22nd, 2011
Thanks to everyone who offered suggestions on how to lighten the cross in Photoshop. Here is what I came up with. How does it compare to the original? Any suggestions for further improvement would be greatly appreciated. Merry Christmas everyone!

December 22nd, 2011
@asrai Thank you! That is really exciting! I had been looking all over for that option and told time and again it didn't exist... I guess I was looking too hard for it!

@dejongdd I think that looks pretty great! :)
December 22nd, 2011
PhotoShop can do so much and I'm lost in it. Reading everyone's suggestions I went blind. I am going to look for a book called "Photo Shop for Idiots"
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