Help - inspiration needed while in hospital

December 30th, 2011
I know there are many threads about lack of / help with inspiration, but this is a bit different. (I hope!) I need to go into hospital for a pretty major operation early next year, and I don't want to stop my 365 during that time if at all possible. After all, it is meant to track my year, right, and this is what's happening to me during this year! I may be in hospital for up to a week, and then pretty much bed/sofa bound at home for up to a month. Soooo... help! There are only so many pics I can take of the pain meds I'm going to be on! I sort of want the pics to be 'different' as well - not just the hospital bed, a wheelchair etc.

Any ideas will be pounced upon very gratefully!
December 30th, 2011
I was in for (only) 24 hours in May and took this -

I'm afraid it doesn't really help you with any sort of inspiration, other than maybe get yourself some photography magazines to read (to get inspiration and some new ides) and make some notes about what to take, ready for when you can get out and about again!

Best wishes - and hope you recover quickly!

p.s. I can recommend the above magazine (more ideas, and less photoshop techniques than Digital Photography)
December 30th, 2011
How about explaining project to staff and asking if any of them would mind being photographed....nurses, docs, housekeepers, dietary, volunteers? I bet you'd find some takers. Good luck with the operation and photos!
December 30th, 2011
One of my friend photographed a liver transplantation. It was the best pictures ever only because she focused on details. If ths staff wants to stay anonymus, focus on hands, hats, shoes, your pellow, feet... just details with nice dof. Hope it helps. Courage ad hope you'll be out very soon.
December 30th, 2011
Helen, you need to pm me on Facebook. I'm going into hosp too on the 17th. Also will prob be in for a week followed by at least 6 weeks off work.

wish you all the best, 2012 is gonna be a bit scary to start with huh?

Not sure about inspiration but I like @lluniau idea, lots of magazines and books. I got quite a few for Xmas knowing I'd hav all the time in the world to browse them!

Good luck and stay in touch! Cx
December 30th, 2011
I was in hospital for 10 days in October, and I'm still only just recovering from it now. Check out my project from the 11th October if you like :) Also, my alternative album has photographs froms DURING the operation as well! Warning: they are very, very graphic! Hope it goes well for you :)
December 30th, 2011
Definitely ask the nurses and stuff.

Close ups of IVs

View from your window

Hospital food

Late night shot of the empty hall

If you are there over a holiday - the decorations


December 30th, 2011
You could take something in with you as a focus for your hospital shots. Some lego people or a little angel (to keep you company and look after you) anything at all. Check out the amazing things @shuterfly does with her bottle!
December 30th, 2011
@cally Just checked out your hospital shots. Good job! Such variety!
December 30th, 2011
I just saw some beautiful shots from @ashpanelli using a chalkboard. They're reallly beautiful and it gives you an opportunity to say whatever's on your mind/remind yourself of a quote or inspiring message! The texture of the chalk is very aesthetic and of course you can always have a lovely blurred out background! Maybe some long perspective ones down the length of corridors/wards, perhaps even at night? Wishing the very best of luck to you, may the rest of 2012 bring you health and happiness :) x
December 31st, 2011
Well I've had patients actually take pictures of me doing procedures. Which a- makes me nervous, but it is kind of fun! Don't be afraid to take pics! I think having your camera around is almost like a therapy. I would bring my camera to work everyday to document my life at the hospital if I could.

And thanks @izzymathie for the mention :) Bring a chalk board with you to the hospital and maybe write words on it about how you are feeling that day. Or names of people that visited you, took care of you?
December 31st, 2011
@hehe1308 Good luck with your operation! I actually had a bit of fun with mine, well as much fun as getting a videocamera and laser stuck in through your belly can be...

Sorry for the slightly graphic nature of one of them, but well, it is a thread about hospitals!

You can click to see the story, since my 365 has really been more a photo blog of my year rather than any sort of test of skill on my part, the hospital visit (it was outpatient) just became an extension of that.

For longer visits and stays I'm sure if you talked with the hospital about it they might let you take more photos, usually they don't want to open themselves up to lawsuits which will limit who you can photograph. I snuck all of mine >.>

Wanted to take photos when I was in a few months ago over a heart thing but wasn't able wiggle away from the machines I was wired up to to get my camera and didn't feel like asking the hubby to get it once he was there.
December 31st, 2011
I don't know how large your living conditions will be but you might want to try something like the Brenizer method. Basically you focus on your subject, keep that focus and shoot all around your subject and then stitch your photos together. The video in the link explains it way better! But the point is it works from a fixed position, all you need is a tripod (and you may not even need that!)
December 31st, 2011
These are the best times to focus on abstract photos. You can take a common object that either has great lines, color, shape and have your photo taken of that. Check out the tag abstractaugust for great ideas. Also flowers make great macros from bud to their last petals.
December 31st, 2011
@charli321 I will be in for a few days in February and most likely homebound. I am working with my lovely assistant who will also be my caregiver to come up with some projects that involve her setting up and me clicking.
December 31st, 2011
+1 on the abstract. Here is a close-up of my staples:

Macro photos could definitely keep you busy. If you don't have a macro lens, I would suggest getting a ~$10 reverse macro adapter. here is a link to purchase one: Then you can take macro shots like this:

December 31st, 2011
Wow, thank you everyone for your comments. I feel much happier about managing to keep my project going now.
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