Vintage Photography Site

January 17th, 2010
Apologies if this has been posted (I looked and didn't see it) and if this link should be in Articles rather than General. It's not an article really, so I thought this was the place for it.

Square America is a site dedicated to photographs from the first portions of the 20th century. It's not just American photographs (so says the about the site page), and they're all pretty awesome. It's interesting to see how styles in everything from photography to home furnishing have both changed and stayed the same. Anyway, thought I'd share! :)
January 17th, 2010
This is a super cool site, thank you for sharing :)
January 18th, 2010
I've written a blog post all about the Vintage style and why 2010 is the year people will start to (re)embrace it.... I'll post it up in the next week or so at

Love that link Deb.
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