Raw to Jpeg converter for lots of raw files

January 1st, 2012
Hi does anyone reconmend a raw to jpeg converter for lots of raw images, i can do this in CS5 but it takes upto 45 seconds per photo and if i have alot to get through i am there for hours.
A friend mentioned "Mike d`s auto loader"
Is there anything else out there thats any good?

I would be very gratefull for any feed back
January 1st, 2012
I went through this search before realising that my Canon actually came with software that had a RAW-JPEG converter in it. xD Might be your case too?
January 1st, 2012
Yeah Nikon makes one as well. It came with my DSLR and is called ViewNX 2.
The conversion isn't very fast but its automatic at least.
January 1st, 2012
I use the Canon software and I find it works well, any adjustments can be made before converting.
The speed will depend on your computer too not just the software. The RAW files are very large which is the reason for the delay.
January 1st, 2012
LHave you tried lightroom?
January 1st, 2012
Lightroom does the job , but bear in mind it depend on the spec of your machine as opposed to the software your using. But it does it in bulk if that's what you're after!
January 1st, 2012
My question is why do you wish to do this? The reason to use RAW is for the ability to tweak the image, to make it the best it can be. Unless you are shooting a lot of images with minimal changes in light and background, an automated process will not do the best job.
My main cameras shoot RAW and jpeg simultaneously, this is the setting I do. I might consider limiting this if I shot more sports or fast moving wildlife.
January 1st, 2012
@pocketmouse @axel @jdonnelly @sburbidge @azza_l Thanks for your help, i have lightroom 3 but i dont like how it organises my photo`s. I think i may need to get a new pc i have 3g ram at the moment ,its about 6 years old and find its not enough for rendering my photo`s for dvd slide shows etc. I find it keeps crashing and freezing.
January 1st, 2012
@lilbudhha Hi the reason is i have a wedding coming up soon, and i use an external flash, i can adjust the exposure and play with the image more with raw and able to do crops with out losing the image quality.
January 1st, 2012
@simon0128 A 6 year old box with 3GB ram is fine for basic Lightroom use, it's essentially what I run. Also, you don't need to let LR organise your photos at all.

1. Organise your RAW files however you like.
2. Go into LR and Import them in, telling it to leave them where they are when you do so
3. Select them all and export to JPG, telling it to stick them in their original folders
4. ???
5. Profit
January 1st, 2012
@eyebrows Thanks Doctor i will look into this, i have not used lightroom much when i did my photos were all over the place : [
January 1st, 2012
@simon0128 No worries braheem; it's nice and simple, when the "Import" dialog is open you have your "from" folders on the left, along the top a bunch of options (move, copy, etc) and it's up there you need to click whichever one leaves them in their existing place.
January 1st, 2012
@eyebrows Thanks Doctor, i will have a look over the next few days
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