"Ink not mink" anti-fur photo campaign

March 14th, 2012
Maybe you're not vegan or even vegetarian, but if you think that being anally electrocuted or skinned alive are not things that we as a society should force other living beings to have to experience, then please join me in PeTA's "Ink not mink" campaign.

Google image "Ink not mink" to see the celeb pics that have been done so far.

Just take a photo of yourself, maybe nude or semi-nude (your whole body doesn't have to be in it, of course) and use Picnik or Photoshop to dress it up like an advertising campaign including a slogan like:

"Be comfortable in your own skin and let the animals keep theirs"
"I don't need to Wear a fox to Be one!"
"I think ink not mink" ( good one if you have a few tatts..)
"F*ck fur" or any original and relevant slogan that you have made up..

In Picnik, I just created the PeTA logo from scratch using the text editor. So take your pic of yourself or someone that will model for you, then tag your pic with "inknotmink". From March 24-28th, we will vote on the best pic. Here is my first entry to begin the submissions...

March 14th, 2012
great idea tabby cat!! dont know if im as creative as you, but would love to get my pawprints tattoo in there somehow.. will definitely have a play and see what i can come up with. :-) might have a playaround this afternoon. :-)
March 14th, 2012
ooh I like this idea! hope to come up with something soon!
March 14th, 2012
I think this site is just for fun and photography not for campaigns...
March 14th, 2012
@yumyum46 I don't really care what your problem is, but no-one's forcing you to stay on this thread! If you don't like it, then bugger off and leave us to have fun while we change the world for the better!
March 14th, 2012
I think its a great idea =)
March 14th, 2012
Love it. Great campaign.
March 14th, 2012
@tabbycat :-) I am a great supporter of peta and i love that you are bringing it to a wider audience. I have no tatoos but will think along your ideas and see if I can come up with anything.
March 14th, 2012
No, one does not need to be vegan or vegetarian to understand skinning animals while they are alive is WRONG! These animals are not meant to be eaten as they are tossed away like garbage to die after their skins are cut from them. None of us need to kill any animal, in this most inhumane way, for a fashion statement. Those who use fur taken in this manner should be ashamed of themselves. There is no sane reason for supporting any of it. Do the right thing and don't buy fur products EVER and support those who are working to stop this madness.
March 14th, 2012
Oh man, as much as I love animals, I'm a carnivore for life. The only vegetable I eat is chicken. And in India, they kill 'em right in front of you, so I know that there's no shenanigans going on in the back room.

I always wondered about the beef here, though, being that the cow is sacred. I try not to think too much about it though. Ruins the taste.

March 14th, 2012
@gurry : You're such a bad boy ;).
March 14th, 2012
@yumyum46 There are plenty of forums for this and I don't think this is the place. I am entitled to my opinion and will not bugger off but instead report you for intolerance. Already you have turned a friendly site in to an unpleasant place and exactly what I feared would happen has already. Why do people who say they love animals always have to behave in such an unpleasant way. I will say no more as past experience has led me to understand that the whole point is just to be unpleasant.
March 14th, 2012
@shadesofgrey It's her thread. She should get a notification regardless.
March 14th, 2012
Oh for god's sake! There's one in every crowd, isn't there? Actually, @yumyum46 we WERE having fun until you came along and stuck your unwanted little nose in! You're the one that's out of line here, not me! People put campaigns on here all the time ad Ross doesn't have a problem with it so, ner! :-P
March 15th, 2012
March 15th, 2012
@yumyum46 Oh, BTW, do you mean intolerant the exact way that you're being intolerant about people putting 'campaigns' on 365?? Mirrors are a bitch, aren't they? ;-)
March 22nd, 2012

Perhaps this thread has died but honestly I can't help but put my opinion in here. After some rather rude displays by a Miss "Tabbycat".

First this whole campaign seems rather ridiculous if you ask me, how is this going to help at all? I'm against fur use and meat but I don't think showing off my tits and having tattoos on my body is exactly going to help. This just seems like an excuse to show off your body. A classic display of vanity.

YumYum had every right to post her opinion here on here, if you post in public then expect to get bad feedback!! It's the internet not everyone is going to give you ass pats, get use to it. The world is made with lots of people with their own views, respect theirs and they will respect yours.

YumYum was hardly being aggressive towards you and was being rather mature, but such a childish response from you, what was the point in that? You think someone who loved animals would be a nice person.

Also I hardly doubt you are going to change the world for the better with this "batshit crazy" idea of yours.

But in the end I find it rather hilarious that the whole thread died, I guess that rather proved my point.

In conclusion:

There is no need to be rude, respect other peoples opinions and thoughts, no need to be childish as you have displayed here.

Posting naked pics of yourself and flashing your tits won't help whatsoever, how about doing something useful?

YumYum was not being "intolerant", it's like you don't know the meaning of the word. She was being kind and putting her opinion forward before you got rather butthurt over nothing. Well guess what BAWWW more.

Welcome to the internet, get use to it.

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