Street Photography Now Challenge - Week 2

May 14th, 2012
Congrats to all that had a go at Week 1's challenge, here is the instruction for Week 2

"Turn your attention to the 4 legged population" originally set be Ying Tang

It is up to yourselves on how you interpret the instruction.

Please remember only 1 photo per person (to try and get people to think more about the instruction) and tag it SPN-2, entries must be taken between now and midnight this coming Sunday (20th)

Next Monday the winner of week 1 will choose 5 of their fav's so we can have a vote. The winner of this week will then select his/ her fav's for week 3 and so on.

Also, please remember that one of the rules was no camera phone shots

Also you can follow @spn_challenge so the weekly instructions show in your news feed

I will post the 5 finalists for Week 1 when I get home this evening

Have fun
May 14th, 2012
Hi Jase, I have a couple of questions.... do we get to view all of the entries? how? If only the 5 finalists, where?

Does the focus of '4 legs' still attach itself to Street Photography?

Lastly, what and where is the 'newsfeed'?
May 14th, 2012
This sounds like fun! Gotta search for the 4 legged ones in the neighborhood. :-)

Thanks Jase!
May 14th, 2012
@aurorajane I'm thinking dog/cat in the street?
May 14th, 2012
@aurorajane Hi, there. If you do a search for spn-1 within photos/tags, you should see a collection of the entries that were posted. Jase's comment above says it will be later this evening before we see the five finalists -- and that will be in a new discussion thread with a request for voting in the title.

And, if you click on the @spn_challenge link that Jase posted above, and then click "follow" just like you would follow any other 365'er, then you'll receive info and updates regarding this challenge just like recent photos from the other people you follow.

Hope this helps! :)
May 14th, 2012
@aurorajane if you search for the tag spn-2 you'll get to see all the entries. Your newsfeed is the thing which shows all the pictures that the people you follow have posted.
May 14th, 2012
@beeblebear thank you so much, I have now managed to check out all the SPN-1 photos and boy oh boy they are great. As for the newsfeed, I am not so sure on how to get it up. I think it has opened at various times when I visit the sight, but have not fully mastered how to get it when I want it. Am slowly learning and must say the support has been fantastic, you guys are doing an amazing job. Cheers for now :)
May 14th, 2012
@rockinrobyn Hi there Robyn, your advice was great and I have been looking at all those entries, wow they are great. From checking them all out, I realised that the clue is semi-criptic.... "Smell". It seems that the more I am here on the 365 site the more I learn about how this community works. Which is great because it is like an exploration! I do have one more question though..... can you load more than one image for one day???? I have noticed that some people have more images than an album's worth (365?) and yet not be complete? How does that work? Cheers ;)
May 14th, 2012
@aurorajane 1) You need to have an ace account for more than one photo.
2) Some of the awesomeness of challenges is to allow yourself to think outside of the box. Imagine how much more interesting a sunset is if it is reflected on a glass building instead of a straight on sunset.
3) Follow SPN_challenge like any other photographer on here so that you can keep up to date with the challenges to make it easier.
May 14th, 2012
@38mm can we do rats or drunk college graduates paying for their sins of too much alcohol on the street. I can shoot more than wigs you know. :-)
May 14th, 2012
@aurorajane The lo-fi (no ace required) way to upload more than one image is to back date them (2011,2010, etc) you can still see them if you click previous in the album view....if you click the home button on the top of the screen, it will bring you to your newsfeed, all post from the people you are following. You have to click refresh or the home button again to see updates to your feed.
May 14th, 2012
@aurorajane I think everyone has answered your questions, if not let me know.

Cheers Robyn, Paula, Kevin, Shades :)

@shadesofgrey @brumbe @beeblebear @rockinrobyn
May 14th, 2012
@bugik No worries
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