Street Photography Now Challenge - Week 15

August 13th, 2012
Congrats to all that had a go at Week 14's challenge, here is the instruction for Week 15

As a lot of people are being challenged to Street shot's in the Get Pushed challenge why not give this one a go as well :)

"Wander aimlessly most of the time"originally set by Melanie Einzig

It is up to yourselves on how you interpret the instruction.

Please remember only 1 photo per person (to try and get people to think more about the instruction) and tag it SPN-15, entries must be taken between now and midnight this coming Sunday (19th August)

Next Monday the winner of week 14 will choose 5 of their fav's so we can have a vote.

Also, remember that one of the rules was no camera phone shots

You can follow @spn_challenge so the weekly instructions show in your
news feed
August 13th, 2012
OK, I am getting Pushed to do Street Photography and I have had it on my list to do, so I am using this as a Go Point! Thanks!
August 15th, 2012
Done been entered! I'm REALLY getting hooked on these challenges!
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