Street Photography Now Challenge - Week 17

August 27th, 2012
Here is the instruction for Week 17

As a lot of people are being challenged to Street shot's in the Get Pushed challenge why not give this one a go as well :)

"Take pictures where you're not comfortable, where you feel exposed, threatened, or morally on the wrong side"originally set by Mirko Martin

It is up to yourselves on how you interpret the instruction.

Please remember only 1 photo per person (to try and get people to think more about the instruction) and tag it SPN-17, entries must be taken between now and midnight this coming Sunday (2nd September)

Next Monday the winner of week 16 will choose 5 of their fav's so we can have a vote.

Also, remember that one of the rules was no camera phone shots

You can follow @spn_challenge so the weekly instructions show in your
news feed
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