Street Photography Now - Week 27

November 5th, 2012
This week's challenge is fascinating!

"Bend the rules and play tricks with the mind; make documents of moments that have never existed." Originally set by Peter Funch...

Please remember only 1 photo per person (to try and get people to think more about the instruction).

Don't forget to tag your entry with SPN-27.

Entries must be taken between Monday November 5th thru Sunday November 10th.

On the following Monday the winner of week 26 will choose 5 of their fav's so we can have a vote.

At this point in the post i generally say something like: "If you want, you can follow and that way you'll be sure to see each week's challenge in your photostream." However, I am still having trouble uploading the instruction gif image to the SPN account, so it isn't there this week...

Happy trails!!
November 5th, 2012
This week sounds like an amazing challenge. Can't wait to do this and get back into SPN. Looks like the entries are dwindling. Must keep this alive.
November 5th, 2012
@dishaparekh176 yeah... it makes me sad that the participation is going down... glad you'll be playing this week!
November 5th, 2012
Ooh,that is a twist. Not sure how to implement that.
November 5th, 2012
@northy I like the idea of this one. Sadly my opportunities for street photography may become a little limited as today will be y last trip to the big city for a while
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