Facebook Photography Page: Do's and Do-not's

March 20th, 2013
Hello fellow photographers,

I'm considering the 'task' of creating a Facebook Page for my photography. I'd love to know your experiences with having done this. Are there precautions that I should take? Do you have suggestions on what I shouldn't do and what I should? I'm interested in knowing from personal experiences.

Yeah, don't want to start this monster without seeking the advise from my 365 family. Thoughts?

x Betsie
March 20th, 2013
Definitely DO advertise on here once you create it.


Like, a LOT!
March 20th, 2013
@grizzlysghost Thanks Aaron!
March 20th, 2013
I started mine to be able to share pictures with friends, and generally post in an albulm when I have something to share. I haven't had mine for that long, but don't know if there are rules....I just post what I like!! Some people have mentioned watermarking, as anyone can "share" your photos once they are out there. It wasn't much of a task to set it up....5 minutes to set up the page, then start adding photos!!
March 20th, 2013
Don't spam too much - keep your status updates constant, but not overwhelmingly so! (I like to post every few days).

Be creative in your updates. Ask questions, offer something interesting, show your work.

Invite your friends and family to "like" your page.

Use your About section to actually say what you do, why you're here.

Here's mine :) http://www.facebook.com/teresa.simonetti.photography
March 20th, 2013
I'm curious about the watermarking process, Leonie. Betsie, this sounds like a MUST for your work, don't you think?
March 20th, 2013
@lubybee Yeah, I think so... I HATE the big-fat watermark. Gonna' check out @pocketmouse FB page. I love her work. Thanks you guys!
March 20th, 2013
March 20th, 2013
You might want to think about the terms and conditions of Facebook photos. I'm not entirely clear about it but I'd make sure first that the situation isn't one where they can use your pictures without reference to you for whatever purpose they choose.

IMO it's difficult to watermark pictures in such a way that the watermark doesn't spoil the picture, if it's visible; if it's in a less obtrusive part of the picture it can often be airbrushed or cropped off.

I went for Flickr. Photos look better on the site - they seem to lose something, a bit of clarity, in uploading to FB.
March 20th, 2013
Although I have been happy to friend acquaintances from 365 on facebook I am reluctant to like their photography pages and have my newsfeed cluttered with announcements of promotions, raffles, and other ways to drum up interest. The abundance of photography pages on Facebook is quite phenomenal, and although many are producing wonderful work, in my view it also has the potential to degrade the profession of those whose livelihood is photography. Sorry to sound negative but I enjoy sharing my work here, on Facebook, Flickr, etc without there being a commercial aspect to it.

March 20th, 2013
@peterdegraaff Peter, you don't sound negative! I really GET what you're saying. I often thought, 'would this diminish the work or showcase it'? Ideally, I would have a website but truth be told, I don't have the money to afford that... Yes, I could attempt to build one myself but I would much rather be bit by a poodle than having to sit in front of the computer to figure out how. It's a wonder I know how to use my camera considering how challenged I am with technology. I DO appreciate your feedback!
March 20th, 2013
Someone just told me about a site today. Started looking into it. Fine Art America.. This one seems pretty cool to me. What about everyone else?
March 21st, 2013
@peterdegraaff thank you for posting that Peter... i am not a fan of facebook at all... i have been rethinking it because it seems to have become a significant mode of communication and i am starting to feel that the world is passing me by because i am not connected thru FB... but i hate the assumptions it makes, and i am really reluctant to buy into the "like" process... i did create a photography page to try it out, and then couldn't figure out how to upload anything ;p and i have since lost interest in even trying...

i do have some questions about how best to use flickr to showcase my work, but i am never certain it's appropriate to post those kinds of things here ;p
March 21st, 2013
@northy I posted a similar Flickr question not long ago but there wasn't too much feedback.
March 21st, 2013
I find the Facebook market are fickle..and they judge your photographs by a whole new different set of standards compared to 365.

There's a really awful one flooding my newsfeed at the moment, and honestly, it makes me want to die......



Get your friends to add me: ****** and 'like' your photo

The photo with the most 'likes' wins.

First Prize: 30 minute portrait session with 15 images on disc
Random Entry will win a mini 15 minute portrait session and 5 images on disc

Everyone will get a discount - the more likes the bigger the discount!


(For the record - the stars are also on the advert :P)

Massive Facebook don't - it's totally cringeworthy.

Also there's the whole long debated copyright issue, which has left me scared to post much of anything on Facebook - except pictures of myself, because it'd take some dafty to try and steal my face :P
March 21st, 2013
@amyamoeba Ok, I ADORE YOU! Callin' it like you see it!
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