Taken on Film

June 1st, 2013
Old school

post something taken only on film

(yes I'm back and it feels good)

Throggs neck bridge at twilight

A week ago I dragged out one of the old Nikon film cameras.
. If you go to the Sharpshooters page on Facebook, ( https://www.facebook.com/SharpshootersInternationalPhotography?ref=hl ) the Nikon F with the 50mm 1.4 set as the profile picture was my first camera. It's the one I used to take this photo about a week ago. I got that camera in 1969 when I was 14. I shot probably 1000's of rolls of Tri-x thru it in high school and college. HS newspapers and yearbooks were filled with photos from it for 4 years. The same for college and several other neighbor hood publications. Thru it all I kept it in great shape and it looks and works perfectly today 44 years later. I can't begin to tell you how many memories came back and how good it felt to shoot with it again. You have to wind the film after each shot and only get 36 on a roll.
Manual focus and manual exposure. And it feels like and makes real camera sounds- I love it .

Nikon F Ftn with 50mm f1.4 S Nikkor, Kodak Portra 160 vivid color film - scanner Nikon ED4000

June 1st, 2013
I just took this one yesterday on my 1955 Nikon S2 on TMAX that expired 19 years ago:

And this one today with my 1972 Spotmatic on TMAX 100:

June 1st, 2013
I take lots of photos with film. I am very pleased with this photo taken on 4x5 inch Fuji Velvia100 film using a Toyo 45CF field camera. It was a long hike in with a large camera, lenses, dark slides into a place that is rarely photographed. The full scan of photo from transparency at 48 bit rate was 82 megabytes. I worked with a smaller file for web publishing.

Great to see you back Joseph and using film

June 1st, 2013
taken with a recesky tl diy/ kodak 400 film.
June 1st, 2013
Nikon FM2 50mm fuji xtra 400
June 1st, 2013
I just started shooting a little film. This was with a Canon EOSA2e
June 1st, 2013
I loaded up my underwater camera from the mid 1990's.

June 1st, 2013
Olympus XA Ilford XP2 Super 400

June 1st, 2013

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