WINNER-Abstract Mundane Challenge 24-Lightbulb

September 8th, 2013
Thank you to all those who entered the challenge!

Another close race, but the winning shot goes to:
Thomas @ thomastoth

Congratulations, Thomas!

You get to host the next Abstract Mundane Challenge once the object has been announced for the new Mundane Challenge.
September 8th, 2013
Congratulations Thomas! @thomastoth
September 8th, 2013
Thank you very much! It's my first winning shot ever! I'm super excited! Thank you to everyone for voting!
September 9th, 2013
Congrats Thomas!!!!
September 9th, 2013
very cool congrats
September 9th, 2013
@thomastoth Truly artistic. congratulationS!
September 23rd, 2013
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