New Canon 6d and I need some help with RAW conversions

October 5th, 2013
I finally got a new camera. I bought the Canon 6d with 24-105mm lens. Now I am having some shocks and surprises that I did not expect. I usually shoot my photos in Raw and upload in Photoshop CS5 Bridge and do some edits in LR3. Well the problem now is that CS5 and LR3 will not convert my new RAW files from the 6d.

I have done some reading online and tried to figure out how to solve this problem. I used DPP to try to convert the files to DNG so that I could work with them in PS and LR but that did not work.

I believe that I need to upgrade to CS6 and LR4 if that is still possible at this point since they are pushing Creative Cloud so hard. If you have been down this road and have learned some things, I would really appreciate learning from you.

I really want to buy an upgrade for these or use some other way to convert the files and not go to CC. We have the student licenses so I would prefer to own the software and not pay a monthly fee.
October 5th, 2013
Congrats on the new camera! I don't think you can upgrade to LR4 now - at least not online... But I am pretty sure you can still get LR5 outside the cloud...
October 5th, 2013
Adobe Camera Raw 7.3 supports the 6D but it is only compatible with CS6 and upwards. However, here's where you can get the Adobe DNG converter for Windows

or here for Macintosh

Let us know how you get on.
October 5th, 2013
@northy Thank-you, do you know if you have LR5 then can you open these files in LR and use them between LR and PS.
October 5th, 2013
@steampowered I went to that download sight last night and today and when I do it directs me to a creative cloud site. Am I doing something wrong?
October 5th, 2013
@morrisphotos By the way I use windows if that helps any.
October 5th, 2013
@abirkill Do you have any advice on this type of situation. I felt like this might be something that you might be knowledgeable about.
October 5th, 2013
@morrisphotos Try the links I gave you - it just goes straight to the download site. Scroll down a bit and you will find the Proceed to Download button which takes you to another page where there is a Download button. I've just tried it out and it works fine for me.
October 5th, 2013
@steampowered I did find it and it is converting them now. I will let you know what happens. Do you have to do this step also since you have a newer camera?
October 5th, 2013
I have a canon T2i, Lr5 and pse10... And yes, I can work and move between the 2 programs... PSE doesn't support the 16bit thing tho, so I tend to export from LR to jpg before working in PSE ... If that makes any sense...
October 5th, 2013
@morrisphotos Hi Terri. I'm glad it worked for you. No. I have Photoshop CS6 and ACR (Adobe Camera Raw) 7.3 supports the 1D-X so it was just a simple update to ACR that was required.
October 5th, 2013
@morrisphotos Well I did it but I hate it. You have to bring in the files in bridge, then convert them and then delete all the first ones that you brought in that do not work. It is a terribly slow and painful process to go through.

If I would have known I would have bought a used camera to replace mine which has quit working for bought something else.

I will see if anyone else has an easier workflow for this. I am still thinking buying CS6 and LR5 might be my best option.
October 5th, 2013
@morrisphotos Why don't you just convert the pictures from the .CR2 format to .DNG directly using the converter? Then you can look use Bridge to see what you want to keep / edit / delete or whatever.
October 5th, 2013
As others have said, unfortunately neither CS5 nor LR3 can be upgraded to support the 6D RAW files natively.

Your options are either to use the DNG converter already linked, and convert your 6D CR2 files into DNG files, which can then be opened, or to upgrade.

You should be able to upgrade to LR5 and use that to develop the 6D files, without needing to upgrade your version of Photoshop. If you do this, you'll need to choose the 'Render in Lightroom' option when sending files to CS5, as documented here:

Edit: I would agree that you should be able to load the DNG converter software and convert all the files from your 6D memory card into DNG files in one big lot, before doing anything else with them -- you shouldn't need to do the conversion one by one via Bridge.
October 5th, 2013
Adobe has a new promotion for Adobe Photoshop CC and Lightroom 5 as a package for $9.99 per month guaranteed for that price as long as you keep the contract. Also, it includes all free future updates and upgrades for both of those programs. They should support the 6D RAW files. I just bought a 70D and the two programs work with it's RAW files.
October 5th, 2013
@sirbill I might consider that. I did look at that last night. The problem is everything with them is a fight it seems. Even though I have CS5 and LR3 it acted like it was not sure I was eligible for this.
October 5th, 2013
@steampowered I may try that next time. It seems like they need to be in a folder to convert them so I was not sure it would do it straight off the card.
October 5th, 2013
@abirkill Thank-you so much Alexis. I may just buy the new LR5 and that maybe my easiest solution. I was not trying to convert them one at a time but it seems to need them in a folder to convert them so I am not sure if it will do them straight off the card of not. But bottom line I do not want to do that anyway. It is a huge pain. It may just be time for an upgrade to LR5 from LR3.
October 5th, 2013
Another option is to use the Canon supplied Software CD that came with your 6D camera. The DPP, Digital Photo Professional software is a RAW file editor. It is free.

Adobe will let you download their software for a free 30 Day Trail. After that you should be able to access and take advantage of their 9.99 offer for Photoshop CC and LR5. After you download their new software, boot up your CS5 program and click on Help and Check for Updates. This will load and install the new Adobe software.
October 6th, 2013
@sirbill Do you know where that is? I read a while back that they would be offering that but can't find it for that anywhere.
October 6th, 2013
@morrisphotos It would be advisable to download your photographs from your card first although theoretically you don't have to because your card is treated as a disk drive / folder anyway. I use the EOS utility to download from my camera to my PC and then convert the pictures to DNG and work with those.
October 7th, 2013
@abirkill Canon really changed out the raw file format and left people hanging? And I thought it was only Panasonic that did that... :)
October 7th, 2013
@frankhymus Virtually all major camera manufacturers do that, unfortunately.

While there is a standardised raw format, complete with ISO number (called TIFF/EP, ISO 12234-2), no manufacturers (to my knowledge) support it. Raw files from most cameras are instead proprietary file formats designed by the manufacturer, and are not documented, so have to be reverse-engineered before they can be used in third-party software. (Some smaller manufacturers use the open but Adobe-controlled DNG format, but all the major manufacturers have their own formats).

Canon, Nikon, Sony and many others typically tweak their format for every major camera release, so upgrading to a newer version of your raw processing software is frequently required when upgrading camera. For example, files from the Nikon D7100 will not open in ACR 7.3 or earlier, or LR 4.3 or earlier. (ACR 7.x is for CS6 only, so if you had PS CS5 or earlier, you couldn't use ACR to open your D7100 files directly, and would have exactly the same issue as Terri).

Indeed, it's not unheard of for manufacturers to actually obfuscate and/or encrypt data within their raw files to make it intentionally hard for them to be used with third-party software -- Nikon did this with their white balance data a few years ago, and Sony have been known to encrypt the entire raw file.

Bear in mind that, lack of documentation, obfuscation and encryption aside, there are valid reasons for manufacturers to change their formats on a regular basis. Changes in sensor technology will result in the actual data from the sensor needing to be interpreted in significantly different ways, depending on the model. As an example, some of the reverse-engineered data for specific Canon models can be seen here.

While the data could be converted to a standardised form prior to writing to the card, I suspect this may cause additional bottlenecking in the sensor-to-card pipeline. (It's always desirable to offload processing from a slow, battery-powered CPU wherever possible...)

However, the end result is still undesirable. While the camera manufacturers are certainly to blame for not documenting their formats, I think Adobe should not be let off the hook, as they are undoubtedly enjoying capitalising on the situation. Adobe Camera Raw and Lightroom should be split into two individually-upgradable components, one of which does the conversion from the camera data to the internal representation, and the other which does the processing of that internal representation.

While it is understandable to limit upgrades to the processing side of the package unless you upgrade to the latest version of PS or LR, I think that file format upgrades should be accessible for at least 4 past releases.

To be fair, Adobe do offer their free DNG converter, which allows you to convert formats unsupported by older versions of PS and LR into the DNG format mentioned above, but they are also well aware that it's not a user-friendly situation, and that they can effectively force photographers who upgrade their camera body to also upgrade their software package. This is despite the fact that most of them don't want to actually use any of the new features, but just keep on doing the same thing as they did with their old camera.
October 7th, 2013
@abirkill Thank-you for your time in typing all of this in for all of us. I was naive when I bought the camera and had no idea that would be an issue. I am just waiting for my LR5 upgrade to arrive. Then I plan to render them in LR like you suggested. I did get to talk to a member or our camera club that has this camera and he had the same issue. He has LR5 open them and convert them to Tiff's and then he is able to work back and forth between LR and CS5 like I want to be able to do. I use my Nik software in CS5 a significant amount and for sure do not want to lose those options along with all the other ones in CS5.
October 9th, 2013
@northy @steampowered @abirkill @sirbill @frankhymus @cdonohoue Thank-you all for your help with my new camera and the raw files which would not open in CS5 or LR3. I am happy to let you know that I bought the upgrade for LR5 and have it installed now. This morning I was able to just plug in my camera card and take the photos into LR5 to edit them. I am so excited to have accomplished this that I wanted to show you my first photo that I consider a success after the transition.
October 9th, 2013
@morrisphotos Fabulous shot! I am so glad that you found the solution that you were happy with..
October 10th, 2013
really glad it worked out for you! you've got a nice bit of glow happening on this building... how are you liking LR5?
October 10th, 2013
@northy Yes, very pleased that an $75 upgrade got me up and running again. I have only just edited one photo in LR5. I need to watch some videos or get the book probably to use it the best. I also need to read more about bringing files in. Yesterday I had it convert them to DNG on import into LR5 but that took a long time. A camera club friends converts to Tiff's. I may do that.

This building does just look like it glows even from the interstate that runs past it. They have the lighting set up on this white building to make it look like it is glowing. On this photo all I did was clarify a little and add some vibrance.
October 11th, 2013
@morrisphotos adobe has a bunch of online vids that are really helpful... look for the ones hosted by julianne kosh (or something like that)
October 11th, 2013
@northy Thanks, I will check those out ASAP.
April 1st, 2014
@morrisphotos hi terri I know that this is an old thread but I have just bought a 6D and have the same problem, except I have never taken RAW before and have PSE 10 so not sure where that sits in relation with LR5. I

My 6D cam with PSE12 and LR5 but it needs windows 7 and I am running Vista so looks like I am going to have to keep trying to find a solution as the alternative for me is a new PC !

Anyway how are you getting on with the 6D? @abirkill
April 1st, 2014
I am not much help for you with technical issues. I bought LR5 and it has fixed my problems. You might want to consider the new subscription for PS and LR for a fee per month. A little while ago you could get it for $10 a month.

I am doing ok with the 6D but have recently had an issue with the 70-200mm F4 lens when trying to use it with the 2x teleconverter. Wiki has the best article but apparently the 6d is not a camera capable of auto focusing up to an F8. So I sent them back and ordered the 100-400 F4 which I am currently waiting to receive. The interesting thing about this problem is that the tech people at B&H do not seem to understand that this is an issue. There is a graph on wiki that shows which cameras the lens and converter work with.
April 2nd, 2014
@morrisphotos I just bought the 2x teleconverter to pair with my 70-200mm f/2.8 and it works amazingly well as a combination on my 6D. I'm surprised you're experiencing difficulties. It's a curious thing.
April 2nd, 2014
The thing is you got the F2.8 and when you double that it becomes a F5.6 which the camera can still auto focus up to that range. The problem is when I got The F4 the teleconverter made it a F8 (I did not realize or would not have ordered it). The 6d camera cannot auto focus up to a F8 is what I have since read. If you get up into the range of a 5d mark iii or higher camera they can auto focus up to a F8. This is what I have read and been told and it sorta makes some sense after you think about it for awhile.
April 2nd, 2014
@scarybird @voiceprintz The thing is you got the F2.8 and when you double that it becomes a F5.6 which the camera can still auto focus up to that range. The problem is when I got The F4 the teleconverter made it a F8 (I did not realize or would not have ordered it). The 6d camera cannot auto focus up to a F8 is what I have since read. If you get up into the range of a 5d mark iii or higher camera they can auto focus up to a F8. This is what I have read and been told and it sorta makes some sense after you think about it for awhile.
April 2nd, 2014
@morrisphotos thanks Terri
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