RAW Competition #7

December 12th, 2013
My thoughts for this weeks competition are to give a specific type of problem to overcome in the editing process of this image. Specifically there is a bland sky, which you can rectify in a whole range of ways, from gradient masks to compositing a new one in it's place. There are also a few things in the scene that can be cloned out of view. Google and YouTube are your best friends for finding out how to do these things and they really are quite simple, once you've done it a few times!

Just how far you go with it is up to you.

What I would appreciate to assist me in choosing pictures to put up for voting at the end of the week, is if you could put a level of competency with your image. If you are new to editing, say "Beginner," if you are a little more comfortable with image editing, say "Intermediate," if you are Erik Almas, say "Advanced."

The DNG file can be downloaded here.

I look forward to lots of entries and positive changes to this unpolished gem as it is, straight out of camera.

Tag your images with RAWCOMP7

The competition closes in 7 days time, December 20th 08:30 AM, Central Australian Time (DST).

All the best,


Here is the original, unedited.

December 12th, 2013
Thank you... will have a look at that now. =)
December 12th, 2013
This is my effort.... I would probably consider myself an intermediate level at photo editing if that helps =)

December 13th, 2013
@gazbadger Wow, just wow! I keep looking at this challenge and I know I will try next year when I actually tackle "RAW" and can figure out if I can use it on my computer and in my editing program(s). It's time to learn about processing now that I've learned about my camera!! I'll keep watching from a distance for now. Love it all.
December 13th, 2013
Here is mine. I call it "Purple field at sunset"
December 13th, 2013
Trying something different

December 13th, 2013
Just used Lightroom 7 - would say Intermediate

December 13th, 2013
@gazbadger Love your sky
December 13th, 2013
@iwatts Thanks mate... it was there underneath all that blown out white... just brought it back and popped a couple of overlays over it... one colour and one gradient. :-)
December 13th, 2013
@iwatts I love what you have done with your with the colour stripping. I will try that at some point
December 13th, 2013
@darylo Thank you Daryl.... I swear by RAW editing. I wont shoot in jpg unless I have to for fps or something. :-)
December 13th, 2013
This is my edit! I would consider myself as a beginner when it comes to editing. My edit was done in Lightroom 5
December 14th, 2013
December 14th, 2013
December 15th, 2013
December 16th, 2013

could have done with a bit more time to blend the sky, but I think you get the Idea! and I suppose I'm intermediate. there is some rendering, releasing of the blown out sky and a graduated filter
December 18th, 2013
Well, this was a challenge. I'm at intermediate level, this edit included much more cloning and masking than I usually do, and I can see that I could have spent a bit more time on it. Ended up with a b&w version just for the fun of it
December 19th, 2013
@gazbadger @homeschoolmom @beatnikphoto @iwatts @kbird61 @dreamatrix @rellimdj @crewnelson @turnerminator @primitiveprobe

Thank you all for your entries in this weeks RAW Competition #7

I'll go have a good look at them all and post up the five that really catch my eye for voting, soon.
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