*** RAWComp 7 Winner ***

December 23rd, 2013
Congratulations to @gazbadger who was the crowd favourite this week with this entry!

As the winner, you get to continue the RAWComp series, in it's new incarnation with editing limited to just RAW editors and no plugins (like the NIK packages) or exporting to Photoshop, etc...

Well done to all the other entrants.

I thought that Ian had written some guidelines somewhere that could be cut and pasted with each new contest of this series, but I can't find it for the life of me and times too short to continue trawling for it.
December 23rd, 2013
December 23rd, 2013
@gazbadger Well deserved. It was definitely the best of the finalists in meeting the two challenges posed by Alexanfer. I am sure it took quite a bit of patience and perseverance to clone out those lines on the right.
December 23rd, 2013
@quixoticneophyte Thank you Alexander. I remember seeing the discussion with the new guidelines so I will go and grab a shot later today and then see if I can find them. Do you know if there is a particular day I should start the next challenge or just as soon as possible?
December 23rd, 2013
@frankhymus Thank you Frank... that is very kind of you to say so. The little lines did take some aamount of care and attention to detail! Lol
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