February 2nd, 2014
Hi all. As the winner of RAWCOMP12 it is my honor to host the next installment of the RAW editing competition, RAWCOMP13!

For those of you who are new to RAWCOMP, the concept is pretty simple. The last winner becomes the host and posts a link to a RAW photo in dng format. Contestants download the image and edit using RAW editor only. The resulting file is then saved, submitted and tagged RAWCOMP13. The host then adjudicates on the edits and presents a selection for voting.

Here is the link to the RAW file for editing
Full RAW file (note: This is a 36 megapixel, '40mb' image. If you are having difficulty downloading and/or processing, download the lossy compressed version below)
Lossy Compressed

The rules are:

"All editing must be done with a RAW processor, using no other software or plugins" - so either Lightroom, Adobe Camera RAW, the RAW processing software that came with your camera, but nothing else that does more than RAW processing - no NIK plugins, no compositions, no other editing other than RAW processing. This differentiates it from WWYD, where any editing goes"

All entries must be submitted by midnight, 7th February, and the finalists will be announced the morning of 9th February.

Please tag your photo RAWCOMP13

I look forward to seeing your entries, and good luck.
February 2nd, 2014
I will have look at this tomorrow when I get on my computer :-)
February 4th, 2014
I downloaded and edited the picture with the RAW editor on Photoshop Elements 12. It will only let me save it with a .DNG or .dng ending, not .jpg, so I can't upload it. What am I doing wrong?
February 4th, 2014
@homeschoolmom Hi Lisa. Once you have finished editing it as a raw, open it in PS Elements. Then save it as a JPG. As long as you don't edit it in PSE this is fine.
February 4th, 2014
Here is my attempt - not my best:

February 4th, 2014
@dtigani Great, thanks! Why didn't I think of that? LOL!
February 4th, 2014

I hope copping is OK. I did it in my RAW Editor.
February 4th, 2014
Here is my brightened entry. I cropped a lot of the foreground which didn't look so interesting to me. Showed more of the sky and the horizon.

February 6th, 2014
Here is my entry:

Sorry @homeschoolmom I couldn't think of anything other than the wide crop. I chose the cinematic 2.35:1 format.
February 6th, 2014
February 6th, 2014
I went ahead and made it a sunset/ night scene because I didn't find much to enhance in the original photo as it is beautiful on its own.

February 6th, 2014
Painting anyone?

February 6th, 2014
The B/W approach.

February 7th, 2014
I am just learning how to use the features in RAW editor ... here is my effort

February 7th, 2014
@iwatts Ian I really like this competition but I think we need some clarification on cropping. I cropped last time and pretty much had my picture thrown out of the competition because of it. I think a decision needs to be made and it included in the rules. I did not crop this time because of what happened the last, but I think some of the crops that have been done are awesome and would have like to have cropped mine too. So what do you think?
February 8th, 2014
@acloserlookpbd hi Dawn. Cropping is totally acceptable, as long as it is cropped in the RAW editor. I can't speak for last time but from experience judging these competitions is tough and sometimes it comes down to minor differences as to why one photo is selected over another.

If you would like to crop your shot, there's still a few hours left before I select the finalists.
February 8th, 2014
@acloserlookpbd Exactly what @dtigani said. Cropping is part of RAW processing, and is therefore totally acceptable - a lot of the winners have been cropped, and I have used cropping myself. Were you told by the host that yours was not acceptable because of cropping?
February 8th, 2014
@homeschoolmom Cropping is perfectly fine
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