Camelopardalids meteor shower

May 24th, 2014
I was skunked on the Camelopardalids meteor shower the night of May 23-24, 2014. The sky was clear during the later afternoon, but the rain gods of the Pacific Northwest thwarted my attempt to capture any meteors.

So did anyone get anything?

May 24th, 2014
Afraid not. It poured from 4pm in prague for most of the night :(
May 24th, 2014
Even had a reminder set for this date... How many chances one can get to photograph a clear sky in Northern Ireland? Almost none.. Lol
May 24th, 2014
I was skunked also. But not because of rain. The sky was clear to the south a little cloudy to the north. They said the best time to watch was 1am to 3am also to watch the north? Seen nothing happen to the north. Was out watching from 12:30am to 2am. Seen 4 white ones going east to west straight above me. Camera was not pointed that way. Saw a real nice green one in the southeast coming from the north going south. Missed it not pointing that way. Another in the southeast was red and came out of the south going north. was not were I was pointing. After a hour and a half and only seeing six I went to bed. Was not impressed.
May 24th, 2014
So way past my bedtime! I did wake up about the time they were supposed to peak and am now kicking my self for not thinking about it.
May 24th, 2014
There wasn't anything to see here in West Central Illinois. Spent a hour out in the country and didn't see a one.
May 24th, 2014
I tried, but is was cloudy in Phoenix. is never cloudy in Phoenix......
May 24th, 2014
Rain here in CT.
May 24th, 2014
Here in NW Oregon, the skies were clear , but the shower didn't live up to scientist's expectations or mine lol. But hey, I got see to see a handful of them and it'll probably be the last time we see this shower! Happy camper here :)
May 24th, 2014
I got back in at 4:30am so only just got up. Found clear(ish) skies but didn't see many meteors, the camera probably picked up more than I saw though. May post something a bit later :)
May 25th, 2014
Here's mine, although you'll need good eyes to see the meteors!

May 25th, 2014
I was up till 2:30 in North Cali and didn't see one meteor! I finally went to bed thinking, the moment my head hits the pillow the meteors will start falling from the sky like rain. Maybe next time, if there is a next time! :(
May 25th, 2014
@abirkill Great catch.
May 25th, 2014
As you can see nothing seen in Holywood, Northern Ireland it was too cloudy as I was out from 10.00pm until 1.00am.

May 26th, 2014
@abirkill Nice picture in any case Alexis! I was going to try and capture them but it tuned out to be cloudy in the SF Bay Area.
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