WWYD114 Challenge starts TODAY

July 13th, 2014
Thank you Mark Johnstone @markjohnston for hosting the last WWYD113 Challenge, and to everyone who joined in and voted. I am very pleased and excited to be picked to host this next round of What Would You Do 114. I was in very good company so I thank you all very much for your voted and for the stiff competition!


The What Would You Do (WWYD) Challenge is about taking an image and adding a touch of your own style and creativity, and pushing yourself to possibly learn some new editing skills! There are no rules as such, edit the image any way you like - by changing exposure, crop, or color balance, or use an editing program to add, delete or alter anything you wish to improve (or just change) the image, and perhaps as mentioned, learn or use some new post-editing techniques (layers, image extraction, blending, etc.)!

How to enter the WWYD114 Challenge:

- Save the base image provided to your computer and edit it any way you'd like!
Here is a link to the photo in dropbox. It is completely unedited and unprocessed. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/je20wjf8ka5muxe/AACKU467mAjFcEiReLXZwQDya

- The photo you edit must be uploaded into one of your albums to count for entry.
- To be considered you MUST TAG your PHOTO “WWYD114” in the tag section when you upload it.


- Remember that posting your photo in this discussion is OPTIONAL. ;-)
- To load your image into this discussion thread, go to your photo, copy the "share" code found under your image, and paste it here.
- Multiple entries are fine and encouraged

If you have any questions about any parts of the process, just ask away in this thread ! :)))

The WWYD114 Challenge contest starts now and ends Wed July 23 @ 9:00 pm GMT. Finalists will then be announced and voting commenced shortly thereafter.

I look forward to seeing your edits!
July 13th, 2014
OOPS...I don't think I did the link right to the actual pic in my dropbox so here it is again! Learning Curve!!! https://www.dropbox.com/sh/je20wjf8ka5muxe/AACKU467mAjFcEiReLXZwQDya
July 14th, 2014
My first go at WWYD:

July 14th, 2014
@pennyp Well done Penny ... I'm only new and haven't done one to date.
July 14th, 2014
Cheeky response.
July 14th, 2014
@pennyp Great idea Penny. I think it is a wonderful kick off for the challenge. Love how you made the motion of the bus look like it is traveling toward us. Great JOB!
July 14th, 2014
@sidecar I'd love to see what you do!
July 14th, 2014
@brianarmoured Haha...love your title! Great idea and edit!
July 15th, 2014
Work in Process...

July 15th, 2014
@mikegifford WOWIE...this is so creative and so cool! Great idea!
July 16th, 2014
Here's what i did
July 16th, 2014
@aforart Very cool idea! I love it!
July 16th, 2014
My effort just titled "Going to be late home again dear!"
July 16th, 2014
@mikegifford wow that is clever. If ever you give a class how to do that count me in
July 16th, 2014
@archielogical Haha...love it! Title and all...Great processing and love the hand drawn feel and well of course the rocket in the road! Great job!
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