Technique challenge 31 extended - one more week!

September 28th, 2014
Since we only have had a few brave souls try the latest technique challenge, it has been suggested that I extend the challenge. Please take a look at it at

and try it out!! The challenge now ends next Sunday, October 5 at midnight EDT (New York).
September 28th, 2014
An easy "cheat" is to use the "night portrait" scene mode of many cameras and open up the on-camera flash. Always best on a tripod of course, but in "normally lit" rooms, an image stabilized lens should be good enough. If you've ever wondered why your night flash shots especially of people have no background, this is the cure.
September 28th, 2014
another week? I'm in.
September 28th, 2014
I wanna try this, I'm glad for the extension
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