Reminder - HDR Technique Challenge ends 16th Nov

November 11th, 2014
I would love to see your HDR (High Dynamic Range) entries for the latest technique challenge.

Some help needed? Read below:
A quick internet search provided a number of articles and images on this subject and I hope they are helpful.

HDR processing in software or in-camera is also acceptable.

This challenge starts Monday November 3rd and will run until Sunday November 16th. Photos to be considered for the challenge should be taken and posted within that time frame. Please tag your shots technique33
November 11th, 2014
Oh I love HDR! This wouldn't be considered for this challenge, as this was one of my early HDR pics, but it's one of my faves. I hope I can get out to take another HDR picture before the timeframe is up - there has to be a number of variables for me to take a shot though lol - for instance, in this picture, the clouds were so fierce that day and I loved that!

November 11th, 2014
@not_left_handed Yes, this is a wonderful HDR. I do hope you get the opportunity to take another HDR before the 16th!
November 12th, 2014
@888rachel thank you rachel for placing this reminder. Have been wanting to do HDR for a long time, but never got around to it. Then I saw your post and gave it a go today. Here is the result of my first attempt.

November 12th, 2014
@nicoleterheide wonderful and dramatic, this looks great! Thanks so much for entering.
November 13th, 2014
Thanks for the reminder, here is my output for the challenge:
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