ETSOOI-47 New Year 2015 Coming!

December 29th, 2014
Thank you Amy-Lee Winfield (@amyleewinfield) for hosting the last ETSOOI-46 with a 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS theme! It was a lot of fun and there was some learning along the way. There were some great entries and I hope many folks will be able to participate in ETSOOI-47!

For BACKGROUND - ETSOOI is an acronym that was started by MaryBeth @espyetta that means edit the $h!t/stuffing/sorriness out of it!

Use any editing program you like, be creative, and most of all have fun!

Sometimes a theme is set and sometimes there is no theme - it is up to the host!

I'm going with the theme: NEW YEAR 2015

Entries can interpret that definition in any way they see fit as long as it directly reflects "New Year" and / or the number 2015.

Challenge begins today - Sunday Dec 28
Challenge ends - Monday Jan 5 2015 in the evening Pacific time

Voting will begin sometime soon thereafter and a winner will be announced.

You are free to enter as many shots as you like, the only rule being that your shot must have been taken within this time frame (Dec 28 - Jan 5) . The winner will receive the honour of hosting the next ETSOOI challenge.

REMEMBER - all pictures must be tagged ETSOOI-47 and you can also post images to this thread as inspiration to others.

Have fun ETSOOI !!!!!!!
December 29th, 2014
That is a great theme. I will be having a crack at this one.
January 3rd, 2015
Ok,, well had a go at editing this, it was terribly flat as it was back lit and took some pulling out, but im quiet happy with the results!

Amazing what a bit of dodging and burning can achieve!
January 3rd, 2015
Ok, so I was on a roll,,,, heres the next one,,, definitly helps to learn levels and curves along side dodging and burning to get the detail out in the ice.
January 4th, 2015
This was a fun one I did today,,Im really enjoying developing the technique and getting a feel for it,,
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