WINNER - Mundane Mirror Challenge

July 23rd, 2015
First of all, I want to thank everyone who took part in this challenge. It's not as easy as you think to choose finalists, and I thought they were all worthy. In any event, there can only be one winner, so congratulations to @dejongdd for her Magic Mirror shot below. You are now the host of the next mundane object challenge!

P.S. Here is a list of objects that have already been used: ice, toothbrush, screwdriver, veggie peeler, bar of soap, scissors, electric plug, paper clip, jar, language, cardboard, toothpick, hex key, hair comb, screw, button, key, coin, ballpoint pen, shoe, glass, plastic bag, thread, books, lightbulb, toilet paper, envelopes, door handle, tea bag, broom, tin can, egg(s), shoelaces, clothes peg/pin, wheel, mailbox, pill, bottle, chain, zipper, seed(s), vegetable(s), cutlery, playing cards, mobile phone, pasta, chair, camera, blanket, paper, rubber, tack, hanger, Index Finger, mouse (non furry), sock, bubbles, candles, bread and beds, tap ( faucet), strainer, match, umbrella, paintbrush/es, corkscrew, stairs, mirror.
July 23rd, 2015
Oh wow! I am so honored to have been selected as the winner of the mundane-mirror challenge. It was a fun challenge! A huge thank you to everyone who voted for my Magic Mirror photo. The competition was stiff and I am humbled by your votes. I also have to thank the cute little subject I used for this challenge - my darling granddaughter, Paxten. She is such a doll!

I have chosen ROCK as the new topic for the next mundane challenge and have posted details for it in a new discussion. I hope everyone will "rock" it and join in the fun.
July 24th, 2015
July 24th, 2015
congratulations Deb @dejongdd
July 24th, 2015
Gorgeous! Well done.
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