New Year, New Project :) But where did all my old photos disappear?

January 3rd, 2016
Nello everyone and Happy New Year! I am very excited to start this project for a second time! I did it in 2012 and it was a wonderful experience and challenge! I am back here with the same account, but I found that all my old photos, followers and people I followed has disappeared. I guess that there are some new rules, but I am still confused. I signed in once in a while and it was all right several months ago. Do I have to have an ace membership to recover it? Or maybe it was deleted because I wasn't active here?
January 3rd, 2016
Perhaps you stayed away too long after all. Since your main album is empty you an ace membership won't help you, I believe. Also, I think the system will trash your album definitely if it is done... Ask Ross @Scrivna for help. Still hope you will enjoy your new start!
January 3rd, 2016
Hi Varna, I've just had a look and yes your account was removed as you went away for over 6 months. It's a shame I have to do that, but I couldn't afford to run the site if we didn't clear out the old unused accounts. It's great to have you back though and good luck in 2016!
January 3rd, 2016
@mastermek @Scrivna Thank you for making it clear! It's a shame, indeed, but it's me to blame I stayed away.. Hope to find my friends again here after all.
January 3rd, 2016
The same thing happened to me. :( @scrivna is there any way to find our pictures again?
January 4th, 2016
Ross, I am new! Just posted pics for Jan 1 & 2 (is it OK that I didn't take the pics on those dates? also is it OK to take pics daily and post --say weekly--or should they be posted daily.
January 4th, 2016
@pjpope Hi Peggy, Welcome! I know you were asking Ross, but I think I can help you out in the mean time. There are no hard and fast rules on this site. It's really what ever works for you. The one shot a day for a year, is only a suggestion and intended to encourage everybody to get out and be active in photography.

I'm only a casual photographer, nowhere near as serious as many others here. I have been on this site for over a year, and only have 76 shots on here. But I go in spurts. I'll go somewhere and take several pictures and post a few of them here. Even though they were taken on the same date I just change the dates like you did. They only thing I would suggest is that you don't post more than 5 or so shots at a time. Some other members don't like that because it pushes other pictures off the "recent" list. The recent list is only so long so if one person posts a lot of shots they can fill it up. Hope this helps!
January 6th, 2016
Thanks a mil Teresa
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