Reminders, ... reflector technique and album challenge are on!

March 26th, 2016
Have a go at the Album cover challenge, its always a lot of fun thinking outside the um square....

and the current technique challenge is about using a reflector to improve lighting, if you dont have one in the back of the cupboard there are instructions for making a simple one at home.

join in!!
March 26th, 2016
Haven't done an albumchallenge for a long time.
Band: Ten Sharp
Title: it's your freedom that will get you to where you want to go- Hugh Macleod
March 26th, 2016
@overalvandaan just go to somewhere you want to be and take a photo at 10 sharp !
March 26th, 2016
Have been reflecting away, great way to get light into the face of a flower illuminated from the side for translucency, and mirrored surfaces enriched by crinkled A foil and softened with white cardboard reflector.
March 26th, 2016
@365projectltaylor good to hear, i really should do some myself!
March 26th, 2016
Thought of one, just after I put the children to bed :-)

March 27th, 2016
@overalvandaan that is AWESOME
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