Money Winner!!

December 14th, 2016
At last!! Sorry for the delay in posting this. Thanks for the reminder Bill @bill_fe
I really don't like it when work gets in the way of really important stuff like 365.

Thanks to everyone who entered and to those who voted. It was really hard choosing from all the great entries.

The winner is.......drum roll please......

Reflecting On Dimes @jackies365
Congratulations Jackie. Jackie you have the pleasure of hosting the next Macro challenge.

Dawn Louise @not_left_handed I was going to use your vote for a tie breaker since the numbers were looking pretty close but in the end when I did a recount I didn't need it.

December 15th, 2016
thank you Christine @k1w1 and to all who voted for my 10 cents! new challenge going up!
December 15th, 2016
@jackies365 Congratulations!
December 15th, 2016
@homeschoolmom thank you😊
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