REMINDER: 3 Days left for FWORD54 (FEET)

December 20th, 2016
LAST F-WORD Challenge for 2016

Last one for the year!

F-Word Challenge 54

Many thanks to all of those who participated in the F-Word Challenge 53, it was much appreciated.
Thank you to all those who voted for my photo - “Tin Shack!”
It was a surprise!

I decided that the next F word, should be very very simple as we are all busy with Christmas and holidays coming up.

The word is FEET - so it can be human, animal, even the feet of a table or another inanimate object!

Your photo must be taken on or after Saturday 17th and Friday 23rd It will close the morning of the 24th and I'll leave it open for voting for 2 weeks.
Then the winner will be announced on or before the 6th of January.

I’ll include all the previous F words in the winning post.

Tag your photos f-wordw54 and I hope you all participate!

This should be a FUN one!!

See all the entries here:

Good luck to you all!
Cheers, Melissa (@hunnybee)
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