Winner of mfpiac55 Christmas Decorations

January 1st, 2017
The winner of mfpiac55 is this entry, congratulation to Merrelyn @merrelyn and my thanks to all who participated and voted, it now falls to Merrelyn to set the next challenge mfpiac56, I look forward to seeing what you have in store for us Merrelyn,

January 1st, 2017
@pcoulson Hi Peter, this is the first time I've entered mfpiac. I have an idea for the next one, but need some help in setting it up. Does the challenge need to start on a particular day and how long do people usually have to submit their collages? Thanks Merrelyn
January 1st, 2017
@merrelyn Congratulations Merrelyn, what a beautiful college and how lovely your tree must have looked.
January 1st, 2017
@merrelyn Hi Merrelyn there is no defined start date it's up to you when you wish to start the challenge, the challenge can run for as long as you wish generally it runs for 14 days and finishes on a weekend but its not hard and fast, have a look at my start information page for mfpiac55 to get an idea, you are welcome to copy and paste my narrative into your new topic and change the text as required, any problems I will try to help regards Peter
January 1st, 2017
Congratulations, Merrelyn! Absolutely beautiful collage. Well done.
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