Update #2: Colton Allen Artist Challenge (tag coltonallen78)

November 6th, 2017
UPDATE#2: I sent images last night to Colton to give him a head start, there are some wonderful examples there. The challenge closes on November 8 at which time I will send the remainder of the images to him for "judging"...Thanks to all showing interest in this challenge!

UPDATE: Colton Allen will be curating this challenge. I will download and send all images to him for review. For those interested in participating, here is the original post with information about Colton and links to his work.

Colton Allen is a great inspiration of mine on many levels. He is a member with me in the Film Shooter's Collective. No, film imagery is not required!

Here is a short bio of Colton from his webpage:


As you see, Colton soldiers on making beautiful imagery in the face of ALS.

His color imagery depicting "Urban Exploration" is the goal of this challenge. Colton's colors are rich and his choice of subject matter and composition are simple and refined.

I asked for Colton's permission before starting this and he is thrilled to be featured. I ask each of the 6 finalists send me a .jpg of the image to me at lasousa@me.com. I will send it along directly to Colton and ask him to contact each of the photographers with words of thanks and encouragement.

Here is a link to Colton's color portfolio of urban scenes. If you wish, add Colton's signature simple white border to your image (not required of course)


Please browse through the balance of his wonderful portfolio and subscribe to his blog while you are at it.

Here is a link to Colton's prolific Flickr page:


Lastly thank you all immensely for choosing my work from the many great images submitted. Special thanks to my partner in crime Kali for giving me the nudge to participate.

Subject - Colton Allen: Urban Exploration
Start - October 25
Finish - November 8
Tag - coltonallen78

November 6th, 2017
wow! What a great challenge. I'm definitely up for this one!
(and what a superb bit of organisation!)
November 6th, 2017
@carolineb7 Thank you Caroline, glad to have you on board. Challenge ends on 11/8 so get your Colton on!
November 7th, 2017
Oh, how cool that he is picking his favorites.
November 7th, 2017
@homeschoolmom Yes, it will be great.
November 7th, 2017
Thank you for organising this challenge Louis @pickerandagrinner - have really enjoyed participating and how lucky we are that Colton is going to choose his favourites, I hope we have all done him proud.
November 7th, 2017
@nicolecampbell Nicole, thanks for participating. There are some great images in the challenge...
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