Abtract 15 now open for entries

January 1st, 2019
First of all, thanks for your votes. I'm rather new to 365 and it is an honor to have won the previous challenge. I don't often make abstract photographs.

Here are a few instructions, copied and pasted from previous challenges:

A good article about abstract photography:

Choose a subject and try to see it in abstract form so that the subject is not easily recognizable. There are no restrictions on what to shoot. You might want to try a subject that you know very well or something quite new to you. You could choose a particular angle or close in on a part of it. You will need to consider factors such as what focal length and which exposure parameters would be best to realize your vision…

Please keep these things in mind:

1. As far as possible the actual object is not immediately recognizable.
2. Remember that this is all about seeing abstract before you shoot.
3. To really challenge your eye you might consider SOOC but this is not compulsory.
4. Post-production - edits such as color saturation, contrast enhancements and black and white conversion are acceptable, but please do not apply any software filters that distort or significantly change the image in order to make it abstract. There are other challenges for that, e.g. ETSOOI.
5. The images should be taken within the time frame of the challenge.
6. You can enter as many images as you like.
7. As with other challenges the person who wins has the honor of hosting the next one.

The images you enter must be taken and uploaded between now and January 15 (the deadline is midnight in your time zone).

Soon afterwards I will choose finalists to be voted on. The winner gets the honor of hosting the next challenge!

Please tag your images: abstract-15
To see entries: https://365project.org/tags/Abstract-15

If you can, post your submissions on this thread to keep it visible and encourage more entries!
January 2nd, 2019
When I clicked on the place to see entries, it didn't work. Just checking that we have the right address. Thanks.
January 2nd, 2019
@stefneyhart I don't think there is anything there, yet. I only posted this challenge a couple of hours ago. You can be the first to use this tag.
January 2nd, 2019
@stefneyhart If you look at the tag for Abstract-14 or Abstract-13 you will be able to see what people have submitted in previous challenges.
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