How exactly do themes work?

March 9th, 2010
Sorry, I am a newbie here so...
I'm trying to find an overview of the rules regarding themes. Like when is the new theme posted and how much time do you have to make a picture, who makes them up and how do you participate.
March 9th, 2010
I'm fairly new two, but it seems to me that a new theme starts on a Sunday and runs for 7 days. If you look in the theme thing here, the new theme has its own topic and gives the instructions on how to enter (by tagging your photo with a certain thing). Then after that week, everyone gets to vote for the best of the top 5 for a week, then that person chooses the next theme. But another new theme has started while the voting's going on. Does that help at all?
March 9th, 2010
Well, there aren't really any "rules"...

The themes are optional - somebody decides "hey, this would be fun!" and posts it on the discussions, then other people either go "yeah, it would!" or "don't be silly!" and they talk about it for a bit, and then all the people who thought it would be fun, decide when and how they're going to do it...
March 9th, 2010
The weekly themes are a little bit more organized than Kit put it :)

The new theme is posted on Sunday and it starts the next day (Monday) and goes till the following Sunday. All information about dates and tags is listed on the new theme announcement. The next day (Monday) after the theme has finished the top 5 photos go up for voting. Voting closes on Friday. Anyone can vote too, it is not limited to the people who entered a photo.

The weekly themes were started as just a fun little extra thing to do. It is completely up to you whether you participate in the weekly theme or not.
March 9th, 2010
Who chooses the top 5? Is that most popular or something?
March 9th, 2010
I've wondered that too Claire..
March 9th, 2010
Yes, Debbie's right - the weekly themes are a little more "official" than that... ;)

It's the "colours theme" or "alphabet challenge" or "numbers project" or whatever that is just decided on by a community...!
March 13th, 2010
Tnx! I won't be there tomorow, so I gues will see next weeks challenge on monday.
March 14th, 2010
Concerning the "roybgiv" theme, I think people are planning to start RED on Sunday, which it needs to be, for the color Green to fall on St. Patricks Day. Is that okay to start on Sunday? I'm new here too.
March 17th, 2012
I have a question...I tagged my photo theme-green and when I went to browse the entries my 2 photos didn't show up...
Do you have to be an Ace member to participate?
March 18th, 2012
@iimage You don't have to be Ace. There are 27 pages of entries so far - yours can be on any of them. Your globe thingie is on page 14, for example.
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