Architecture-2 Challenge

December 28th, 2023
There are many buildings, castles, churches, temples, mosques, stately homes, etc. The list could go on infinitum. Another way to classify buildings is residential, commercial, or industrial. The buildings may remain the same, however, the change in seasons and even weather is reflected in both the building itself and its surroundings.

This is the second round of this challenge, which I am hosting, due to seasonal commitments of the winner and runner-up in the previous round. I want to keep the topic as broad as possible and include the whole building with surroundings or specific parts of a building. Entries can include monochrome or colour; the only criterion is that the subject matter must be a building or part of a building.

Tag— architecture-2


Starting date — December 16th 2023 (the day after the last challenge closed).
Closing — January 26th 2024

To be eligible the photograph must have been taken during this time frame.

Entries can be viewed on the following link

Many thanks.

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