**WINNERS** Colors or More 1

July 28th, 2015
The winner of the Yellow or Mellow Sub-Challenge of Colors or More 1 is Rachel @888rachel with this beautiful photograph:

Second place goes to Annie's @annied definitely yellow photograph:

A special thanks goes to Sophie @36projectorgsophie for starting Yellow or Mellow for us. What an ingenious idea that was! I also want to thank everyone who entered and helped make this challenge fun.

As the winner of The first Colors or More, Rachel, you have the privilege of running Colors or More 2, the next challenge. The rules for sequencing the entries have not been established so anything that makes sense will work. I suggest using something that rhymes with the color as the more (such as blue or new) or something that means the same thing as the color for the more (for example, blue and melancholy). Your good ideas will work too. You will also have to think up a unique tag.

Good luck and once again, congratulations!
July 28th, 2015
Indeed a worthy winner. Congrats. Looking forward to the next challenge of Colours or More
July 28th, 2015
love colours! very cool :0
July 28th, 2015
@888rachel @annied Congrats! Both were outstanding entries!
July 28th, 2015
@888rachel @annied well done ladies! Cannot wait to see what the next one is Rachel (purple would be good, wink wink!)
July 28th, 2015
Beautiful @888rachel!
July 29th, 2015
July 29th, 2015
July 30th, 2015
Hi Kathy, I haven't forgotten! I will set this up tomorrow. Are you happy for the following criteria:
1. 10 days competition
2. photos have to be taken in the time frame
3. colours can be repeated in the future (otherwise this might be a shortlived competition)
What do you think?
July 30th, 2015
@888rachel that sounds good. If you need any help putting it online I will be glad to help you. But there really are plenty of colors. Not just the basic colors but turquoise and chartreuse would work and many more. I. Think the contest could go on for a long time without dumps, but it never hurts to add it. In fact, let me look up a list of colors and you can add it if you want to. I will be glad to help if you need it.
July 30th, 2015
@kathyboyles @888rachel there are a great many colors and some may be great fun! Here is the link. You may want to include it https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_colors_(compact)

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