Toys on 365 - Happiness Happens

August 3rd, 2015
Thank you for sharing with us your friends and friendship photos. We hope that you and your human friends had a good week celebrating your friendship. It's not too late to share your friendship photos with us, please feel free to share them with us anytime.

Our friends Teddy and Panda showed us what exactly friendship is. You see our friend Bart always gets himself into some kind of trouble, not the bad-ass kind of trouble, just your everyday fall-into-the-pool-and-not-knowing-how-to-swim kind of trouble like the other day. @k1w1

Well, good thing Teddy and Panda were nearby to rescue him and give him a kick-ass CPR.

Kudos to our friend the Plesiosaurus for wanting to have a pen pal. We could be pen pals, P! @mcsiegle

So our friend Bart gets to live another day of mis-adventures and mischief and trouble. And here's hoping P gets a pen pal soon! Everybody wins and everybody's happy!

Speaking of Happy, next week we are celebrating "Happiness Happens Day" which falls on the 8th of August. We will be sharing with you what makes us happy and who brings us happiness, including our human friends. So why don't you join us and share your photos with us. Let's tag them "365TOYS-HAPPINESS"!

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