14, Beginner. Help please?

July 4th, 2010
I just started this project, on day 21.
I'm 14, going to be one of three Freshman on my high school yearbook staff starting this fall. I'd really like some tips or suggestions. Everyone's pictures I see are amazing. I use a Kodak EasySgareZ981, 26 times optical zoom, 14megapixels.
July 4th, 2010
Welcome to 365. :)

I had a look and you have some really great shots! I love the one of the beach (June 23) - it's a beautiful shot, despite the evidence of the oil spill. My suggestions would be to get outside and take as many photos as you can of things from different angles and with different lighting. Think about where the light source is coming from and how you can play with it and use it to your advantage. If your camera has a macro option, play with that too to get some really cool close-ups of things. :)
July 4th, 2010
Hey welcome...good to have u...any specific suggestions u want?
July 4th, 2010
Welcome Brooke!

I agree with Teresa, learning to know where your light is, how much time you have left (in the day) and shooting from different angles are all very important.

For your yearbook photos, learning that candid shots are every bit as interesting (and valuable) as those where everyone knows the camera is there and 'poses'. I tend to call those 'cheese' shots!

Have a good day!
July 5th, 2010
Thanks everybody.
& Metatransitions, anything you think would help me(:
July 6th, 2010
Hi! Im new to 365 too.. on day 12 i think ( :/ )
My best advise to you is what i did at your age.. soak up ANY free knowledge you can via the internet.. there is a plathora of free classes and tutuorials online.. take advantage! you wouldnt believe what you could learn!
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