Processing diffused-flash photos in Adobe Camera Raw 5.7 Help?

February 22nd, 2012
I'm really slugging my way through this. I find that flash, diffused or not, makes photos much harder to process afterward. I'm feeling like with flash I'm better off shooting JPEG and setting the colors etc as I like in camera. This is frustrating because it takes away so much control, and we all know what control freaks we are ; )

So, any suggestions for processing flash? I'm using on-board flash, D90, diffused different ways, manual control at 1/4 to full power. If you're using a different program I'd still like to hear from you, just used my program in the title because I like to make very descriptive thread titles.
February 22nd, 2012
Echola, i did not try that. Maybe because i usually take great care of the color even when shooting raw. But it must be a great problem in nightpictures with a good exposure from natural light at the background and flash in the first plane... What happens exactly? Does the white color of the flash light changes too, right?

Even if it does, it's better to shot raw anyway. Better quality to do small fixes.
February 23rd, 2012

I don't know quite how to explain it and can't get internet to my desktop at the moment to put photos up- but how do you set your colors when shooting RAW? Like, what are your settings? Mine come out so washed out, and in sun it's no problem- I have several presets for different sun exposures and start with any of them to get lovely photos.

I guess, one of the hardest things I'm seeing is that the whites aren't white enough and the blacks are not rich enough.
February 23rd, 2012
@echoia oh, just read in your bio "i over-process my photos" --> not at all. I love your processings and do want to try some processings like those in the future.

The hard thing with flash is that you cannot predict it. Usually i figured the "flash" color setting results better. Or white lighting. I rarely use AWB. What i do is adjust a lot of things with directly in the screen. Like color, focus and so on. Then i check in the visor to frame and adjust exposure and settings... But i cannot give you a precise answer. This calls for some testing...
February 23rd, 2012

Yeah, I've done three test shoots today for this and it's just... meh. It gets better and worse but it's definitely going to take a good deal of practice! I appreciate it. I'd really like to improve this aspect of my shooting to open up new worlds : )
February 23rd, 2012
would love to see an example of what you're looking at...and know how you're diffusing your on-camera flash. :)
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