I got my first commission!

July 14th, 2010
OK, so I'm majorly excited right now! I got a message earlier saying: "Am I right in thinking that you're probably still in Sheffield? And that you have a decent camera? And that you enjoy taking pictures with it? If the answer to all these is yes, then how are you at cityscapes?"

Basically, our university Chaplaincy "Faith in the City" booklet that says where all the places of worship are is outdated and needs a new look and I've been asked to take a photo across Sheffield to go in it. :-D

The only slight problem is, I only have a little P&S camera (a Nikon Coolpix S550) so it's not the best camera ever. So the answer I've given is that I'll do what I can, but won't be offended if they choose not to use my photo.

Soooo, does anyone have any tips or ideas of how I can get a good/exciting photo of my city, using only my little camera? Please?
July 14th, 2010
Explore all of the settings! There actually might be a cityscape setting in your camera! I know in my little Fujifilm, lately I've been looking through it and I found a whole bunch of new things that I've been having fun with! It really creates a whole new world of photography with your point and shoot!
July 14th, 2010
Try getting interesting perspecitves such as getting really close into the building and looking up, things like that, you could edit in interesting skies/effects too :)
July 14th, 2010
Loan a camera! It doesn't cost much, and you'll want the wide angle.
July 14th, 2010
Congratulations on that commission. I agree with the idea of hiring a camera - or even finding a nice friend who might lend you one?
July 14th, 2010
Unfortunately, I don't have the funds to hire a camera and I can't think of anyone who can lend me one.. :-( Anyone got any other tips for using what I've got?
July 14th, 2010
Congratulations! Zachary and Naomi have given you some great ideas.

Just take all kinds of pictures then do post processing. Cropping, enhancing, brightening, etc are all things that can turn an ordinary picture into an extraordinary picture.

Be sure to get some closeups in addition to large area shots. Some inside pictures and outdoor pictures. Maybe a few with plaques or something of interest.

Be sure to keep an eye on the lighting and camera settings. Limit your use of the flash as much as possible to get more even light.

Most importantly .... have fun! You will do fine.
July 15th, 2010
Congratulations! I agree with Dorren the more shots you take the better.

Try experimenting with your angles and shoot at different perspectives.

I'm not an expert but maybe you can get some ideas from these tow shots I've posted a couple of weeks ago on churches here in Adelaide:

July 15th, 2010
Congrats! I say- think outside of the box. Get down low, stand on things, look through things, have fun. The others are right- don't be afraid to use post processing to get your pictures the way you want to present them! Good luck!
July 15th, 2010
try taking night shots and be sure to bring your tripod with you :)
July 15th, 2010
I think you will do fine! Keep positive and do what you have always done! Take creative shots from every possible angle. Your point and shoot will do the rest and you can always adjust it a bit in an editing programme. :)
Well done and congratulations on getting your first commission!
July 15th, 2010
congrats, that is so cool!! angles, perspectives, framing etc... best of luck!
July 15th, 2010
Congrats on your commission. I'm new to this myself so can't give any tips, but from what I've seen of your work so far you don't need many. A lot of work is done post processing these days. My best advice is to not think too much about a shot and you'll be fine. Good luck
July 16th, 2010
Thanks for all your advice. I'm really looking forward to getting out into the city to play. Will let you see the results.
July 16th, 2010
Congrats Rachael! Thats fab news! And am sure you'll do brilliantly :-)
July 16th, 2010
Congratulations Rachel! The first commission is always exciting and frightening. Do not worry you have to look around and take lots and lots of pictures. I had a few requests for (free) reports and I proposed several hundred that I grouped by theme.
Your 365 is beautiful so I'm sure you'll do fab pictures!
July 17th, 2010
I only used p&s cameras. I have had some good results with taking a set of photos and stitching them together with a panorama programme. I have a DSLR camera but need lessons in how to use it, so tend to work harder with the p&s. I have some great scenic shots I took with my old one, and the new one actually has a setting for shooting panoramas :)
July 17th, 2010
congrats Rachael!! i only have a p&s camera too, they do come with different settings, besides, i think having a good eye and finding the good subjects are equally important (which i think you already have it in you :) just go out and have some fun. plus you can always use the editing tool to help you get better result. Good luck! keep us posted!
July 17th, 2010
a step ladder will be your friend... if you take a pic from the ground without a pan and tilt lens your builds will be falling backwards... borrow a 8 - 12' ladder... set it up and climb up... set the camera on the top so it is not handheld... make sure the light is good and have fun with it...
July 17th, 2010
Also, consider having people in your pictures, not as the subject but to show scale and life.
July 18th, 2010
Do the best you can at setting up the shot and taking the picture and then use some editing effects to help with color, etc. That is what I do with my p & s. =) Congrats!
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