Lines on my RAW files

April 7th, 2012
I have noticed lately some red and blue vertical lines on my photos when I upload them to lightroom
I am not sure if it is my camera (Pentax DSLR K100D - 6yrs old) or if it is when it is transfered. Not all of the photos is one sitting have the lines. It is particularly the darker photos ISO around 800 and 1/50 or so shutter speed.
Can anyone shed some light (;P) on why this is my camera finally starting to give up on me :(

Here is an example

Thanks :)
April 7th, 2012
Lisa, are you referring to the to smudge-like looking dark spots straight out from the subject's chin? If so, those appear to be dust marks on the sensor. I'm not seeing anything else really jumping out at me in this photo, but if you're seeing a consistent pattern it may be worth having it checked out. Something to try, though, is to put your lens cap on, then shoot a 1-second exposure at ISO 100. Run that through a "dead pixel analyzer" Here's a free one:

One comment on that, though, is that you may want to repeat the test at various temperatures. Having done a bit of astrophotography, I can tell you that the sensor performs differently at room temperature versus when it's 30 degrees out.
April 7th, 2012
@kannafoot sorry maybe that was a bad example, they stand out to me but maybe not to others.
Here is a better example
April 7th, 2012
A quick Google search yielded 3 possibilites. It's likely there could be more.
Bad battery, bad memory card, and sensor going bad.
Battery and card are easy to check out first. Try a new battery first. No change, then try a new card. Don't do both at once or you won't know which one fixed it if either of those do fix it.
If neither of those solve it you might have to call Pentax, or look into a new camera.
April 7th, 2012
Do you see the lines when you preview on your camera? Have you tried shooting in jpeg vs raw just to see if you get the same thing? How about if you change lens do you get the same results? That is not caused by dust on the sensor for sure.
April 7th, 2012
@mummarazzii I had something similar happen with a different camera - same kind of lines - and it was the sensor. That's where I'd bet your trouble is, and unfortunately, on a camera of that age (mine was about that old at the time too) it is more expensive to fix than the camera is worth. :(
April 7th, 2012
Wow. Yes, it's much more dramatic in that second photo you posted. That, unfortunately, does indeed look like a sensor problem. Swapping out the card as Mike suggests is easy enough to check, although I'd expect the issue to be more random if it were the card. Given that the camera is 6-years old, I'm inclined to agree with Shelly in that it will be too expensive to justify fixing if it is a sensor issue. Certainly worth having it looked at, though.
April 7th, 2012
While I suppose it could be the batteries, I wouldn't think so. That's the easiest thing to check, since the camera takes AA. My thought would be the card or the card. Are the lines always in the same place? Is it always in dark places? Does ISO make a difference? It's not stuck pixels. If its the sensor it's probably not worth fixing (sadly). I also have a K100, love the sensor and mine is still working great.
April 7th, 2012
@mtngal - Yeah, the info I found was on a Pentax message forum and it was basically from least likely to most likely. And each of those solutions solved the problem for someone in the forum. I know when my D300's battery gets down to 1 bar, I better think about changing it because the camera will start doing some odd things. My thought is it is the sensor, but we can always hope it isn't.
April 7th, 2012
Time for an upgrade I think..

I assume it happens with jpg also.
April 7th, 2012
I can't really shed any light on it but I hope it's not your sensor as that diagnosis screams money.
April 8th, 2012
@mikehamm thanks Mike, I have two sets of 4 rechargeable batteries which I change each time so don't think it is that, I also have two cards which I use so that kind of rules that sounds like the sensor :(

@hollandcrew You can see the lines on the camera, so it is a camera problem. (didn't check that before) I ony have one lens.

@beautifulthing @kannafoot @agima yep looks like an upgrade is in order...I was looking at a Canon 1100D with kit lens for $480. It (sort of) fits the budget but I seriously can't be without my camera, it would be like losing an arm.

@mtngal the ones I uploaded this morning where ISO 800 and 1/25 shutter speed and they did not have them, but the where lighter I am not sure. Glad to hear yours is still going well :)
April 8th, 2012
If you can stretch the budget you can get a three lens kit and then the skys the limit..

I have purchased thousands of dollars worth of stuff from these guys and found them to be the cheapest and quickest out there.

If you do purchase ensure you get the extra warranty so you are covered here in Australia.
April 8th, 2012
@scrivna - spam alert.
April 8th, 2012
@agima Thanks Brendan, that does look good! And reassuring to know they are reliable.
April 8th, 2012
@dfhrthdfg Hey there Mr dfhrthdfg now I think you are stalking me....
April 8th, 2012
@mummarazzii The k5 has been selling at a big discount recently. It's a brilliant camera and you could continue to use your existing lenses.
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