First Ever Photoshoot! Advice?

July 25th, 2010
At this moment, I am at Best Buy with my friend Brittany Erwin. We're just hanging out and taking photos... but something amazing happened. A lady who works there is a model, and she asked us to take photos of her for her portfolio! I JUST GOT A JOB! :'D
My first ever photoshoot.
(: I'm excited.
Does anyone have any advice for us? We don't even have a DSLR, though.
I'm not all that good at shooting people, either... unless it's candid shots. (:

Thanks a bunch!!

(She hasn't posted anything in a while... her camera is broken. But that's her. (: )
July 25th, 2010
Get a old film SLR and a old lens (really cheap at garage sales) and shoot Velvia 50 or 100
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