water photo shoot

July 26th, 2010
I'm planning on doing a staged water balloon fight with about 100 people. Does anyone have any tips for keeping my camera dry but still be able to be close to the action?

July 26th, 2010
Someone on a photo site I used to belong to said that clear plastic shower caps, like the ones they have at hotels work well. If the cap's elastic band isn't tight enough to create a good seal around the lens, just use a rubber band. I've never tried it myself, but I've been told it works great!
July 26th, 2010
my thought would be to get or rent a underwater point and shoot.
July 26th, 2010
Go to Amazon.com and type in camera waterproof bags. They range from 9-25 dollars. They are designed to keep the camera dry while shooting. This seems like the solution for you. I use an aquapac when I go to the beach for my camera and works great.
July 28th, 2010
If you're using an SLR then your waterproof bag cost range is really from about $10-$130. For either style of camera, the more expensive bags have a solid (crinkle free) section for the lens whereas the cheaper ones are a thinner plastic prone to crinkles. I'd suggest getting a cheap one and using rubber bands to hold the plastic smoothly over the lens.
July 29th, 2010
For an SLR: A zip lock bag. Cut a hole for the lens slightly smaller than the actually lens and use a UV filter to hold it on securely there. Also black electrical tape works pretty good for sealing without leaving a huge sticky mess. The only problem with this set up is you may not have a clear view through the view finder...
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