
August 3rd, 2010
Hi all,

Just wondering if someone could help me...I want to design a watermark to use on my photos (here and in other sharing sites) is there a particular program I should use?

Also I'm wondering how to disable right click?

Any thoughts?
August 3rd, 2010
It depends on what photo editing program you are using. There are a lot of watermark tutorials out there, depending on the program you use.

Only the webmaster can disable right click. In my opinion that does nothing to protect photos because if people are that dishonest they can figure out how to do a screenshot and take your photo if they want to. I always know that I have the original photo here on my computer and my backup external harddrive so I can always prove it's mine.
August 3rd, 2010
Thanks Karen. I have been playing around with Photoshop C4 (?) Picasa and Picnik, and I have Photoshop Elements but haven't installed it yet. Hehe, maybe I need to narrow it down to one and figure out how to use it! At the moment I am just adding text on Picasa then uploading my pic.
August 3rd, 2010
I use Serif PhotoPlus. Basically, I've created the watermark and saved it as a .PNG file (NOT .JPG!!!!!) Because this saves it WITH a transparent background...which obviously you want for a watermark (trying to save a transparent background confused me for ages xD) then I just add it as a new layer onto all my photos :) I don't know if you can do that on Picassa...
August 3rd, 2010
I was asking the same question yesterday and the graphic aetist at the college I work at told me to make a layer in Photoshop and then add that to each photo. It was very easy I just don't know anything about Photoshop yet.
August 3rd, 2010
Hi, I posted this in a previous post- take a look. It really is so easy to do :

Easy to add a watermark with text in Picnik.com (which you automatically get if you join with an "ace" membership here). (But I think you can download it anyway for free too).

Here's a screenshot:
August 3rd, 2010
good ideas! I'll have to figure out photoshop then apply this.. I've had a few ppl steal my work on deviant art and flickr.. so def will be doing this. Thanks!
August 4th, 2010
Thank you all for great answers :)
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