Nikon D3000 vs Canon Rebel XS

August 5th, 2010
Who wins the battle tonight?
August 5th, 2010
i have a nikon D3000, and i LOVE IT! :D
August 5th, 2010
I'm torn between the two

Not that I know the difference, haha!!
August 5th, 2010
^ honest, at least
August 5th, 2010
honestly, same here. i just know that i love that nikon, and i would so recommend it:)
August 5th, 2010
Hoorah, I'm not alone on this :D
It's looking goooooood... oh and I found a 5mp waterproof camera under €100, yaaaay :D
August 5th, 2010
What's the proper name of this Rebel XS?
August 5th, 2010

August 5th, 2010
See, honest!
August 5th, 2010
Pffffffff making me do research!
August 5th, 2010
You do it because you care :3
August 5th, 2010
450D Steve. XSi (in your Country) has more features and is definitely better than the D3000 if that's your two choices, but there are Nikons that are better (but probably more expensive)! As Ken Rockwell says, it's a good camera but "it's the worst DSLR Nikon has ever made".
August 5th, 2010
Ooooh, thank you Vik Daddy!

Steve, you heard the man!
August 5th, 2010
D: it is really that bad?
August 5th, 2010
Canon Rebel Rocks!
August 5th, 2010
450D is what I have so that gets my vote :)
August 5th, 2010
Ah wait - Rebel XS = 1000D, XSi = 450D. I'd vote for XSi...
August 5th, 2010
wait wut
August 5th, 2010
xsi - that's what I use! Awesome camera!
August 5th, 2010
I would push the boat out and get the 550D. I love the 450D but the noise even at ISO400 (as per my outdoor shoot) is starting to chap my hide
August 6th, 2010
Nikon will announce a replacement for the D3000 in just a few weeks. It's expected to have full 1080p HD video, and Auto Focus in video mode. Could be kinda cool.
August 6th, 2010
i absolutely LOVE my D3000!!!
August 6th, 2010
Don't get the D3000, I love Nikon but they messed up. If you have to get between the two go with canon, if not get the D50 or D70 or D80 used... they have auto focus built in unlike the D3000 and will allow you to use 99% of the lenses made by Nikon. If you get the D3000 the lenses will be very expensive, and only a handful of lenses will work. This goes for the D40, D60, D3000 and D5000, they are a waste of money IMO.
August 6th, 2010
As Josh says, see what Nikon announce soon. Also I expect Canon to announce some new models as well. Don't choose until those cameras are released, as there's nothing worse than buying a camera and seeing a newer, better model released shortly after!
August 6th, 2010
You really think it's worth waiting? I'm put off Nikon now, haha... I was looking up more of the Canon models and there are some good deals online. Only thing I need to look into is import taxes. I bought a new P&S when my Samsung NV10 broke a few months ago and ended up paying 40% of it's value just in taxes at the post office. That's going to be a pinch steeper if the camera costs upwards of €600
August 7th, 2010
Travis is partially correct, but I think his post is a bit misleading.

The D3000 does not have an internal focus drive motor, and thus it can only auto focus with lenses that are AF-S or AF-I. The old AF / AF-D lenses will mount up, will meter just fine, but they will be manual focus.

Having said that, the majority of lenses that you're likely to buy will be AF-S and will focus just fine on a D3000. Even the majority of party lenses like Sigma, Tamron and Tamrac will auto focus just fine with a D3000.

Nikon stopped including an internal focus drive motor in this camera and other entry level cameras because the majority of people who buy these cameras will never attached a non-AFS lens on it. So they excluded the motor, and lowered the price. (why pay for a feature you don't need?)

If you do like buying older lenses off ebay, the D3000 is nice since it will accept any F-mount Nikon lens ever made. (although non AF-I / AF-S lenses will be manual focus) Nikon DSLR's with the built in focus drive motor will only accept lenses made since 1977. (unless you modify them, but the modification may require grinding the mount)

So probably more information than you needed or wanted, but I didn't want you to be scared off from the D3000.
August 7th, 2010
I bought a 450D yesterday, it's a lovely cam & so far am very happy with it.
August 8th, 2010
josh: do you know when Nikon will announce the D3000 replacement? and do you know if it will be for the same price? because i was actually saving up for the D3000 but if something newer (for the same price) is coming out I'd rather buy that...
August 8th, 2010
If the rumors are correct, the D3100 will be announced August 19th, and they'll probably start shipping a few weeks after that. I haven't heard anything about the cost, but it'll probably be about the same price as the D3000. (but stores will probably start discounting the D3000 to get rid of them)

So either way, if you're looking for that camera, I'd say it's definitely worth it to wait a few weeks.
August 8th, 2010
Why won't US sellers ship here? The Canon Rebel t2i is under US$1,000 there but here, the body alone costs up to €1,500
August 8th, 2010
Err you haven't said where 'here' is...
August 8th, 2010
Oh, erm, Cyprus. :D
August 8th, 2010
I have a D3000 and LOVE it!!!
August 8th, 2010
I love my D5000, then again my sister has been shooting with a nikon for years and I got used to her camera and went with what I know.
August 9th, 2010
I love my Canon T1i
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