My Own Business...Help?

August 6th, 2010
I want to start my own small photography business. I don't know where to start or what to do but was hoping for some advice or tips?
August 6th, 2010
I'm doing the same thing! I'm beginning by setting up a website but I have no idea how to price things!
August 6th, 2010
haha i don't even know how to set up a website. im pathetic haha
August 6th, 2010
I'm using Joomla but it's proper complicated! Dad's going to teach me it, I'd ask around for an easier way to do it!
August 6th, 2010
Either Joomla or Wordpress would make pretty good bases. I'd be stunned if googling for stuff like "how to make a photography business blog" didn't turn up some very useful stuff for you both, it seems nearly everyone on the web these days is trying to position themselves as a "how to make it as a blogger" guru.
August 6th, 2010
Many moons ago, I did a sheet with a sample of my work on it, and sent it off with a business card and a covering letter.. it did bring in a bit of PR work. Best way tho is word of mouth I find, but I guess it takes a little time. Good luck with your new adventure!
August 6th, 2010
Alexis--I use iPage for my writer website and it's pretty easy and inexpensive to set up. Do you have business cards? They are easy to design online and order too. You could leave them everywhere you think customers might be. (If you photograph children; leave them at after-school programs, if you do animals; leave them at pet-stores, etc). I just checked, it looks like you do a nice job of photographing people, maybe try sending out your cards to various places like Martial Arts schools, Dance schools and offer to do class photos? Something like that. Good luck!
August 6th, 2010
Oh, also, I think I'm using pay pal to like do all the accounts and stuff so that I don't have to worry about that :)
August 20th, 2010
What do you mean by "I want to start a buisnes" ? Becuase trust me - unless you make a TON of cash you don't want to make it "official" (like regestering with teh government or anything liek that) becuase then you get to play the whole legal thing, with taxes and stuff! :)

What I do? I just have a free website here: go to to make your own!

With that set up, I just shoot when someone comes and asks! So far I've done multiple couple shoots, 2 weddings and other small stuff! I give them a quote on paper, then do the job and keep a "recipt" and I'm good to go :)
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