
August 10th, 2010
Hey all,
I'm going to be doing some portrait photography this weekend, and I need some advice- hoping you all can help me out! I've done some "test" shoots and I'm having a problem with major shadows on my white backdrop. They are ruining the photos, and I want to minimize post editing. Any ideas as to how to minimize this? Keep in mind I'm working without a photography light set up. Thanks everyone?
August 10th, 2010
its a tricky one with shadows! try shining a light on the backdrop to remove shadows. or have your model stand a distance away so shadows are hitting the backdrop at different angles which might not be noticible in your frame. flash can also make the shadows sharper so you could consider not using that. they are my thoughts and what i would consider doing myself. hope it goes well!!
August 11th, 2010
Standing further away is a real handy hint from Katie. Also, if you are using flash and its a remote flash gun, you could try bouncing the light off the ceiling to soften it. Good luck!
August 11th, 2010
Have your subject 3-4 feet away from the backdrop and if you can, point soft lights at 45 degree angles at the backdrop. if you don't have professional lights you can buy some clamping work lights from a hardware store.
or if you have reflectors or whitecards, place them on either side of the subject so they bounce light onto the backdrop.
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