Street Photography: Make photographing in public easier

February 6th, 2013
A few tots of whisky and a good mate, tends to do the trick.
February 6th, 2013
@miley89 Ah, that's what I've been missing this whole time!!!
February 6th, 2013
@imagenation thanks for the link Melvin - there were some good tips
@miley89 great one liner
February 6th, 2013
Are you still talking about street photography ;)

February 6th, 2013
Of course. What were you insinuating? @jase_h
February 6th, 2013
Me, nothing what so ever :)

February 6th, 2013
Riight, I believe you. @jase_h
February 6th, 2013
I don't generally have problems with regular people just law enforcement :(

I have actually gotten wonderful results if i just asked, i find most people are flattered.
February 6th, 2013
@miley89 I haven't tried the whisky but having a mate with you makes the world of difference.
February 7th, 2013
I think you should skulk around in the shadows wearing a trench coat, big hat, and dark glasses.

so....does $1,000 seem pricy for a casual carry around not my real camera sort of camera?

cause my carry everwhere camera is an ancient point & shoot with one corner dented in from where I dropped it hiking.
February 7th, 2013
@miley89 Best advice for street photography I have ever read!
March 5th, 2013
Oh my... love the guy, the advice, the site. Too bad I'm such a sissy girl when it comes to photographing random people. "Validation is for parking, not people." Aaahhh, this is so right, and yet I feel like I'm invading people's privacy. Thing is... the streets are NOT private. Lol.

@imagenation Thanks for this awesome resource. I'll keep working on it! :D
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