Landscape Photography

February 12th, 2013
Hello everyone! My name is Isaiah, and I would love to get tips on landscape photography! I don't normally do landscape photography, and I feel as though I suck at it. But I could only judge that on what landscapes shot I've taken, which are really just none. There's nothing really to take a picture of around here, and I can't really label the some of the pictures I've taken as "landscape". But if I do get out there and start doing landscape shots, do you have any tips on how to get nice landscape shots, from camera to processing? Thank you! :)
February 12th, 2013
@izayaa i love landscape too! welcome to project 365. i improve my skill since i start this project.
February 12th, 2013
Hello! I've actually been around for a while, almost a year, but I started my project over! Lol. And yes, the 365 project is helping me to improve also! Any tips on landscape photography?
February 12th, 2013
I can't imagine a place without anything for a landscape shot. You can use buildings, desert floor and or plants, forested mountains, streams, the possibilities are pretty endless. What is there in your area that others might not know about? Generally the rule of thirds works well. But, as with all rules...there are times for breaking them.

Try this web-site for some good ideas .

Best of luck.
February 12th, 2013
My tip for you is to read articles about landscape photography, look at many photos and try to make conclusions. And shoot of course! The most important in landscapes is the composition I think, cause it 'grabs' the audience.
I like this article for example ( , but you can find so many more out there!
February 12th, 2013
@debrac Thank you for the tips and link! :)
February 12th, 2013
@velina Thank you for your help and the article Velina! :)
February 12th, 2013
When I take a landscape shot, the first step is find a scene that captures your attention, then walk it a bit and find some interesting foreground subject. The foreground really brings interest to the shot and helps lead the eye into the shot! Some times I'll walk around looking through the view finder! Just don't trip and drop your camera! :o)
February 12th, 2013
@orangecrush Thanks for the tips Jerry! I'll remember that! :)
February 12th, 2013
It's difficult to give advice without being able to see some shots you've already taken.

If you are struggling for inspiring locations, I'd recommend checking out Flickr's interactive map:

You can zoom into your local area (or somewhere you are visiting) and it will show interesting photos from around there. That might give you some ideas of good locations you don't know about, or locations you didn't think would make a good photo.

If all else fails, sunrise and sunset shots can often be strong enough to not need an amazing foreground element -- you might not be able to get an amazing shot without foreground interest, but you'll be able to get a pretty good shot if the conditions are right.

Remember that landscape photography is a very wide-ranging definition. If you don't like, or can't find any good locations for, traditional landscape photography, try something else. Shooting interesting buildings in your local town (such as an old cinema or similar) can still be classed as landscape photography, and can result in great images, especially if the light is right.
February 12th, 2013
I'm with Alexis @abirkill here - the sky is your limit AND enabler with landscape photography, use it to provide natural light to your scenes - the golden hours are your friends as is a cloudy sky with some light ... other inspirational photos can be found on Panoramio @ - you can also zoom into your specific location and see what others are doing in your area. Enjoy the fresh air!!!
February 12th, 2013
The only landscape shots i like and are good at, are when they have the sunrise or the sunset in the background! It is just something about the colors in the sky at that moment that draw me towards loving the shots! Alosi I like taking pictures of shots that have a lot of green colours or things that shouldn't be in there. Like for example, when you have a perfect beach scene and then there is a random bottle in there, that would be a neat scene!

But that is only what I like... if you want to try you can... if not, its up to you.
February 12th, 2013
hi Izayaa™
its misleading when u hear landscape people think got to be mountains, lakes, but landscape can cover a lot of things, streets photos i said say can be landscape too or even railways lines, it what u think, just enjoy taking photos and try not to get blog down on a title just enjoy mate
February 13th, 2013
@abirkill @centermd @justjim Thank you all for the helpful advice! :)
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