Nikon D3200

February 24th, 2013
Hey there! I was wondering what the best lens to get for this camera would be to take portraits. I'm all for taking all sorts of photography, but I'm hoping to take portraits of people as a career in the future. I know this is just a starter camera and I do plan on buying a nicer camera in the future. But for now I'm just learning. Anyone's feedback would be greatly appreciated!
February 24th, 2013
Check out the Nikon 50mm f/1.8. On your cropped sensor this is a great low cost portrait lens. Great bokeh!
February 24th, 2013
@mdfphoto Thank you so much Matt for responding! I will def look into it!
February 24th, 2013
Hey, great photographs are because of the heart and soul behind the camera! Starter cameras are great! Try the Sigma 105 for portraits. Most of my photos her on 365 are with that lens.

And a quick story to illustrate. I was recently on safari with a lovely, and very rich (like heir to a fortune of a company you'd recognize). His camera kit made me duck down in the back of the safari jeep and hide my Nikon D70 (you'll see NO photos here on 365 with that cheaply starter camera!). One night his wife told me that he came back to the room and said, "I just don't understand it. My camera is so much better than hers, but her photos are so much better than mine"

Enjoy your camera and the 365 experience. I've learned so so much here!
February 24th, 2013
@ridley I definitely do agree with that story you just told. I even think I took pretty darn good photos with just a point and shoot camera last year lol and thank you so much for the reference I will def check out your photos :)
February 24th, 2013
Be careful about lenses as you'll probably need AF-S lenses rather than plain AF because I believe the D3200 lacks an autofocus motor. That means the 50mm f1.8 mentioned above would only manually focus and the f1.4 version would perhaps be better, although it will cost more.
February 24th, 2013
@wormentude I think you're right on this one. Only AF-S lenses have auto focus which the entry level cameras lag of and Nikon made a AF-S 50mm f1.8 with build in auto focus 2 years ago but its price is much higher than the regular 50mm f1.8. I think I paid $220 + tax for mine but the price might have come down by now.
February 25th, 2013
If your feeling wealthy go for the 50mm 1.4. It's about 2 to 3 times the price of the 1.8 but boy the shots wide open are really something
February 25th, 2013
@wormentude @tanja_1211 @swilde Thank you all for the reccomendations :)
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