Show me your pics (please)

September 11th, 2013
Okay SORRY for always needing help with something but this weekend I am going to do a "real" photoshoot with two of my friends. As in I'm actually going to try posing them. I have been looking around the site for posing ideas and browsing through Flickr, but if you've ever done a shoot with two people (preferably two girls) do you have any advice or even better any pictures that you could show me?

Please and thank you!
September 11th, 2013
When I'm stuck for ideas for poses / set ups I use Pinterest. Or search the 'portrait' tag :)
September 11th, 2013
@amyamoeba Fabulous idea. Thanks, Amy :)
September 11th, 2013
Age? Style? Relationship? Some things to ask yourself before your shoot is what is the style that you want to go for. Natural, dramatic, fashion, etc., what is age appropriate if under age ( I only add the "age appropriateness" in there because I photograph a lot of kids, for some that wont even be a question), and what is the relationship of the people and how can you have your subjects reflect that relationship through posing. I agree that Pinterest can be a great place to find inspiration, just remember to put your own spin on the poses and have fun! It's always great to start off photographing people you know because you will hopefully be a little more relaxed! Good luck!
September 12th, 2013
@tamaralaraphotography Thank you so much! They're 21 and 22, two of my best friends and they're also close friends. We're shooting in the woods so for the most part I'd like to go for dramatic (I guess is the term I'm looking for) with a few friendship defining shots
September 12th, 2013
I am no pro ...But this last week I was at a freinds house. His granddaughter was playing with a bubble gun and getting soap in my beer, So I said I would like to get some photos of her bubbles.After words she played with the bubbles and I got about 30 realy cool shots of her.She is 12 years old. It stoped her from possing for me and was just herself..I would tell them 21-22 year old girls you want a cool bubble shot for 365 and to see if you got your camera set the way you want it. but get them playing with the bubbles. It will make all relax..Good luck I hope it helps.
September 12th, 2013
@wildernesswillie Haha, great story and cool picture! Thanks for the tip, I'll see if we can get our hands on some bubbles soon
September 12th, 2013

After the bubbles. She played with her dog as if I wasn't there
September 13th, 2013
@wildernesswillie cool shots.

I think it really does depend on what sort of shots youre after but for me, @tamaralaraphotography has this nailed spot on. These are all the right questions that you need to be asking yourself and that will lead you to the final question - what is the theme that you want to shoot? Unless theyr'e experienced models, then dont force anythign onto them as they'll find it hard to pose without having done it before.

Big things to watch with two people interacting is not the top of the body but the bottom of the body. For example when shooting two people close, theres a tendancy for them to have the tops of their body close but they dont commit and the bottoms / legs etc will be far away and they'll just look strange. Pay attention to how they interact with each other as there can also be a tendancy of two people to start to pose separately without any real cohesion.

Lastly, pay attention to things you'd pay attention to for a single model - soft fingers, arms, fly aways, angle of the body, head, catch lights in the eyes.

Good luck!
September 13th, 2013
@toast Thank you so much for your advice. We're starting in an hour or so so this post is not only extremely helpful, but just on time :)
September 13th, 2013
@kaleidoscopeyes exciting! cant wait to see the results
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