Facebook Page for Photography

October 28th, 2010
I'm not sure if this has been posted before, I looked through previous posts and didn't find anything so here I go.
I just need some advice, and I figure 365 is the best place to get it. :)
I'm about to create a Facebook page for my photography instead of just using my personal page. For one my photography photos take up a lot of space, and two, I want to make an attempt at putting my work out there more than I have.
So here's my question, What do you all recommend for naming a Facebook photography page?
I'm not sure whether or not to use my name, or a title I thought up.
Also, do you recommend uploading ALL work, or some from all categories as to not show all of your work?
Whether or not I get straight answers, I would really like to get some of all of YOUR facebook page links for your photography.

I appreciate any replies. :)
October 28th, 2010
I think if you are going to go with using a facebook page for your photography that you should use Photography By Caitlan, or something similar, so that your friends know it is you. As far as what you should upload- show your best selection. I know that it can be hard to edit down, but think about what your viewers might be interested in seeing. Another option is to start your own website. I just started one using www.weebly.com, it is a free web hosting site, that has several different layouts, and is simple to use. It also allows you to post updates to your site on facebook and twitter. Here is a link to mine so you can see one option: http://becksphotography.weebly.com/. Hope this helps :) Good luck with whatever you choose.
October 28th, 2010
i'm not really sure about this but i heard that FACEBOOK will have the right s to all your photos once you upload 'em on their sites..Please check or find it for yourself about this...Why not Flickr..?And rebecca is right about naming your FB page under your name..say, like...Caitlan FotoArt or Click by Caitlan....i will name mine ..."Say Cheese by Joe " hahaha..Good luck !!
October 28th, 2010
@rebcastillo77 I love your website, I might think about doing that. :) Thanks for the advice!

@ingapinga I had no idea! That makes me a little bit wary. I started a flickr awhile back, but I don't even remember my username or anything. haha. I might get one of those sometime soon. Thanks for the feedback!
October 28th, 2010
I have a FB fan page... I think it's a great way of keeping people up on my current stuff who otherwise wouldn't be going to my website all the time to see what's new. FB: http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Laramie-WY/Heidi-Gurov-Photography-HMGPhotos/184062337038 My website is http://www.hmgphotos.com Nearly all my contacts for photo work come through word of mouth/friends/online so FB has become a vital piece in my promotion/marketing.
October 28th, 2010
Using your fb page as a portfolio is a great idea. Uploading your best work creates a better image of your body of work overall and is easier to view overall. Providing links to other sites that you post on (like 365) to show more of your work is a good idea in case people want to see more.\
As for a name, using your name is a good idea or create a name. For example, I'm known as SareTheFish everywhere online, so I use that name whenever I create a new page so people can easily find my work and it's easy to remember.
October 28th, 2010
@candidcaitlan The Facebook thing was discussed awhile back and it made me check the terms, which I hadn't really bothered doing before, haha. Basically, they "might" keep all your photos even after you've deleted them and you pretty much give them the right to use them for whatever they please, but it's unlikely that they'd bother. Something to that effect. The photos are still yours; they can use them without mentioning you as the owner.

Now as far as the page goes, I think it's a great way to keep your friends and contacts updated, without shoving it in their faces by using your main profile. Encourage them to check it out though and remember, when their friends see that they 'like' so and so photography, they're more likely to check it out. I know I do, every time I see the magic word on my news feed :)

What to upload is kinda tricky, because I'm not sure how often people receive legit contact regarding jobs through these pages, so maybe you don't want to swamp it with EVERYTHING. You could try starting up your own site, as Rebbecca mentioned - there are plenty of free services online.

Lastly, if you have a name you'd like to use for your work, go for it. Otherwise, if you're still unsure, stick with something simple and to-the-point. You don't want to commit to something you'll grow bored of and not want to be affiliated with anymore.

Okay I'm done rambling... hope that's useful in some way :) good luck and DON'T FORGET TO LINK US :D
October 28th, 2010
Do not upload your photos onto facebook unless they're heavily downsized and watermarked. They have the rights to them once they're on there. By all means, create a facebook page to advertise yourself, but link people from there to another site with your photos on x
October 30th, 2010
@hmgphotos @sarethephotos @indiannie_jones @naomi
Thank you all so much for the wonderful advice. I feel bad for not getting back sooner but I've been sick for the past few days and have barely been on 365 except to post my photos. I really, really, really appreciate your feedback. I've yet to make a facebook page for my photos, but I have looked at both the links Heidi and Rebecca left me. Awesome sites. And even though I haven't made an fb photography page, I did become a fan of yours on my personal account Heidi.

Thanks again everyone, it was really very helpful. :)
November 4th, 2010
I have a facebook fan page as well... Its fantastic. I try to keep the clutter down so everyone can take the time to see everything. (although recently i uploaded a ton for a specific project). anyways, I have never heard about facebook having the rights to your photos. if that was the case i highly doubt anyone would upload any of there personal photos in the first place. and if that is the case, just watermark them. i have never had an issue with the photos being my property on my facebook page. its a great way to showcase your talent and network. it took me months to find a name for my page... but i was also making it for my business. and since my name is sydney alexander i made is Sydney Alex Photography ... nice simple and clean that can adapt to any photography style or client. oh yeah, i have a 18 megapixel camera and usually dont downsize my photos just to upload to facebook, it doesnt even take that long to upload large files, but its easier to make small files for online use on any other website.
I also have gotten allot of jobs, job offers, clients, and offers just from my facebook page. I have a professional website... but most people have a facebook... and the ease to find the photographer you like on facebook gives you brownie points with a potential clients.

Ok, to sum up this all, yes make a facebook page. I have accounts on flikr, twitter, facebook, myspace, photobucket, model mayhem, and a professional web site... and the most successful on showing my talent and getting fans in facebook.
sorry i wrote so much.
hopefully you make a page... and when you do please leave me a link because you are a fantastic photographer.
you can find me here http://www.facebook.com/sydneyalexphotography
November 4th, 2010
To clear up this FB debate I read through the terms and after a few seconds of reading this is what I found:

"You own all of the content and information you post on Facebook, and you can control how it is shared through your privacy and application settings. In addition:
1.For content that is covered by intellectual property rights, like photos and videos ("IP content"), you specifically give us the following permission, subject to your privacy and application settings: you grant us a non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, worldwide license to use any IP content that you post on or in connection with Facebook ("IP License"). This IP License ends when you delete your IP content or your account unless your content has been shared with others, and they have not deleted it.
2.When you delete IP content, it is deleted in a manner similar to emptying the recycle bin on a computer. However, you understand that removed content may persist in backup copies for a reasonable period of time (but will not be available to others)."

I proceeded to read through the rest of it and there is nothing in it that says they have the right to your photos but if you are worried about people stealing your photos simply resize and watermark them. Now I understand that if a thief really wants your photo there is nothing stopping them from getting it. Watermarks can be "undone" in photoshop if they wanted to go through all the trouble, but resizing it bigger would just make it pixelated. Now the problem with FB is that the quality of a photo is drastically reduced already when you upload so if you resize it too small they will just look crappy overall and make you look like a bad photographer so be careful if you decide to take that route.

So anyway.....YES make a FB page! I went through your pictures on here and I LOVE them!! I can never get enough of photography, so when I find an artist that I really admire I always want to see more!

I have one ( http://www.facebook.com/KimCampbellPhotography) and I love the fact that I can show people my work and I don't have to add complete strangers to my personal FB page. A lot of my friends didn't even know that I did photography until I made a separate FB page. Since then I have been getting emails from people wanting photos done. Its a great (and free) way to promote yourself.
Let me know if you do and what it is so I can find you. You are such a great photographer!!
November 13th, 2010
Do not set-up a 2nd profile for your photos. It is against FB Terms of Use to make more than one profile. So if you have a personal profile AND a photo profile you are in violation and could have all your pages removed. See this for more details. http://susannahess.com/2010/11/you-violation-facebooks-terms-of-use-your-facebook-accounts-terminated/
November 14th, 2010
You can make a fan page for a business.
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