Flash Accessories?

November 1st, 2010
I am getting the Canon 430EX II Speedlite TTL Shoe-Mount Flash. This will be the first time ever using an external flash. Are there any accessories that i need to use the flash with my 50D (besides batteries, that is), or will i be able to use it out of the box? Thank you!!! :) ~Lacey
November 1st, 2010
you will be able to use it out of the box. there are accessories like off camera flash connectors for using the flash when it isn't on the camera and a flash diffuser ( Gary Fong has some good ones) it all depends on what you want to do with your flash. But learn to use the flash itself first before you start using the accessories
November 1st, 2010
November 2nd, 2010
uh oh...you're getting all fancy schmancy now :) maybe you can teach me a thing or two!!
November 2nd, 2010
Connect a "slave trigger" to your external flash. Use the built in flash to trigger the external. Since most external flashes are so much more powerful than a build in, the light output of the BI will be negated by the output of the EF.
November 2nd, 2010
You don't need any! :D

There are so many things you can get, like Rachel said, but you won't need them unless you want to start doing OCF. I wouldn't even worry about the aftermarket diffusers - most of those are just ways to part people with their money. I have heard good things about the Gary Fong stuff (especially the lightspheres), but I also know people who used them for a year or two and then got rid of them.

Start off with bounce flash, and you'll start to see just how much can be done with a camera-mounted external flash. :)
November 2nd, 2010
@revjoel @jinximages Thank You!!!! I'm so excited!!!
November 2nd, 2010
@alisongbradshaw Have you gotten that book yet??? I'm so excited for you, because you will just love it! i know it! He actually doesn't mention external flashes..he uses only available light (mostly outdoors), but it got my brain on the right track as far as understanding the elements of photography, and got me even more excited about it than i already was. :) I ain't fancy! Now, get to learnin' so we can be nerds together!
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