P&S for concerts?

March 5th, 2011
Hullo :)

As per usual, I turn to all of you for my questions. With the summer approaching, I need to start getting organized - tickets and flights all booked and paid for, but now the biggest issue is the camera for the gig(s)! Last year, I found a discussion on another forum which said Fuji was the way to go, so I bought the Finepix J38.

There was a guy beside me using a Panasonic Lumix and I could see his screen - the pictures looked amazing. I was thinking to get that this time around - I doubt I'll be as close to the stage so the Finepix will likely fail me.

Are there any better options (preferably with examples)? Security can be pretty harsh so it has to look like a simple p&s, if that makes sense?

Please help? :)
March 5th, 2011
I have gone to concerts with my Canon P&S....SX20 IS. Has a good zoom and with the light shows that some of the bands produce these days, I get enought light if I can get fairly close to the stage. I'm going to see Lady Gaga tomorrow night and bought floor tickets....I should be able to squirrel my way fairly close.... I look pretty unthreatening, so security rarely even gives me a second glance....hahaha!
March 5th, 2011
I hear Jon "Bon" Jovi (why is his nickname "Bon" anyway that's just madness) is allergic to cameras :O :O :O

Also what's your budget pumpkin?
March 5th, 2011
@kathyd Lemme know how it goes!

That's madness! Bonny boy loves them ;) erm, well I'd prefer for it not to cost more than my dslr, but I'm willing to spend a little extra @eyebrows
March 5th, 2011
I have a Canon S90 which is great, full manual controls too and a low light option which works pretty well ... but sorry don't have any night-time shots to show you ...
March 5th, 2011
I've never been to any concerts but I love my Panasonic Lumix TZ10, it has a 12x zoom and my son (who is a photographer) says it is great in low light. The Tz18 and TZ20, both with a 16x zoom, are coming out in April.
March 5th, 2011
Apparently Canon's S90, or newer S95, are fantastic, so I hear. Probably £300 for the newer one
March 5th, 2011
Hmmm, maybe I can wait 'til April and then it'll be down to those two :D
March 5th, 2011
I love my Lumix! the newest one out has a 12x zoom and it is awesome for everyday use - and actually quite often I use it over my SLR becasue of its versatility (it's macro is awesome too!)

THis shot was taken of a guy from my hotel window across the street ( 3 floors below me) i'd say about 75m away. this image isn't cropped from the original!

This one is the zoom on the plane from this shot

Hope that gives you a good idea of the Lumix, can't tell you how it compares to other P&S' becasue I swear by my little fella and haven't tried any others (i'm on my 3rd upgraded model!!)
March 5th, 2011
@sparkle Oh snap, that IS an impressive little device! Okay I'm sold :D
March 5th, 2011
@indiannie_jones ha ha -another convert!! Lumix should pay me commission!!
March 5th, 2011
@sparkle I certainly think so :)
March 5th, 2011
@sparkle - the TZ18 and TZ20 come out in April and they both have a 16x zoom and the TZ20 has a touch screen.
March 5th, 2011
i've said it before and i will say it again, you can't go wrong with a lumix ;)
i took mine to an a-ha concert a couple of months ago and the woman next to me was very jealous of the pictures i was getting compared to hers, i got some great shots and i was by no means near the stage, i also got some good video capture
March 5th, 2011

Apparently Morten Harket's favourite P+S is a Teikon me1.

I'll get my coat on the way out!
March 5th, 2011
@tolpol groaaaaaaan!!!
March 5th, 2011
@tolpol -_-
March 5th, 2011
A friend of mine has a p&s with a viewfinder. Twice, she tried to go to a show with it, but security refused to let the camera in, saying it was a professional camera. She tried to explain that it wasn't, she couldn't change the lens, etc... but she had to leave the camera there during the concert. They were ok with cameras, many people had them, but not "professional looking" camera.
March 5th, 2011
@maola That's what I worry about - I can't have something to big/bulky because they won't let it in :s
March 5th, 2011
For the Tz18:

For the Tz20:

They both sound fairly reasonable, price wise, but the Tz20 has a ton more options if you can spring for it.

The last P&S I had was 4 years ago. Holy cow have these things come a long ways. The Tz20 has 3D capabilities! In a P&S! *mind officially blown*
March 5th, 2011
@kjarn "la la la la la...not listening...!!!" i'm a sucker for buying new kit when there's nothing wrong with the old stuff!! oh imagine what i could do with another x4!!! yes, it has crossed my mind to upgrade - I haven't checked out the spec but only becasue I don't want to be tempted!! maybe it'll be a gift to myself for finishing my first 365 project and starting my second project!! :o)
March 5th, 2011
I've always taken my p & s to concerts and never had a problem. I have yet to try to take my dslr. Hopefully they won't give me any problem! Usually they just peek in your bag and wave you on, so if you want to take in your nicer camera just put it in a large bag full of junk! Don't take any fancy lenses or anything or security might start asking questions if they see you shooting.

One thing is for sure, don't draw attention to yourself if you're using a larger camera, but in most places they should be allowed as long as it doesn't look like your a pro with fancy recording equipment or anything...I would take your p & s just in case they won't allow your dslr. Do you have someone you could borrow another p & s from if you don't think yours will work?

Good luck! :)
March 5th, 2011
@refriedradio Oh, I wouldn't take my chances with a dslr - I'd be crushed if they didn't let me in!! I'll go with the Lumix :)
March 6th, 2011
@sparkle - unfortunately I've checked out the new specs and am VERY tempted even though my TZ10 is only about 6 months old!
March 12th, 2011
Hi does anyone have a view on the TZ20 v the Canon Powershot Sx230 also due out soon....? I'm not technical and would like a more up to date fun P&S camera than my Sony Cybershot TZ50....
March 18th, 2011
i have a Canon powershot SX130 IS and i thought it was perfect for the only concert ive taken it to so far. I go to a lot of shows so function in a concert setting was something i was big on, and this one seems to do the trick.

here are a few shots that i took at a show recently. the venue was medium-sized and i was in the balcony in the back of the venue.

March 21st, 2011
@kjarn I just went and bought the TZ20 - it's great!!! thanks for the tip!! my TZ10 is only 6 months old too - hey-ho - it'll be used for those times I don't want to put the new one in danger!!!
March 22nd, 2011

here you go - took the old Lumix to a gig a couple of nights ago - this wasn't even on half zoom, we were 3/4 of the way back in a smallish venue. I had some great clos-ups of the lead singer that I havent' posted here - The new TZ20 I can vouch has an amazing zoom...
March 22nd, 2011
@sparkle - I am so jealous!! Its not out here yet but I'm sure I'll be seriously considering it when it is. Despite the 16x zoom what else is good about it?
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